Hi everyone
Just want to find out if theres any active SA guilds on the server at the moment :)
2 players here thats looking for a guild that can fit more into our timezone..
Thank you!
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Hi everyone
Just want to find out if theres any active SA guilds on the server at the moment :)
2 players here thats looking for a guild that can fit more into our timezone..
Thank you!
Im horde I think I also have a guild that i started but everyone has probably left but im coming back soon with a mate of mine if you guys are interested just respond here and i will give the 2 names of my characters
Hi there, my nick is Rivers on Alliance (Icecrown). Old nick was Zesh /w me and maybe we can BG/Arena or something =)
Hi There,
are you guys looking for more players? I just got back on icecrown and got a friend with me that is playing for the first time as well and we have tried looking for a community to join, if there is a South African group that could be sick.
if so please /w Phalo
Edited: May 9, 2020