Thank you very much for your guide,
There are some cheaper options than the items listed on your guide, there was a case like this before i reached 280 skill, but I forgot to note, I will update if i stumble upon something else.
I understand that prices change all the time, but you can also keep your guide up to date.
Instead of [360g total]
8x [Azerothian Diamond] ~40g each
4x [Thorium Setting] ~10g each
=4x [Glowing Thorium Band] 280-292
You can go [120g total]
4x [Blue Sapphire] ~10g each
4x [Essence of Undeath] ~10g each
4x [Thorium Setting] ~10g each
=4x [Sapphire Pendant of Winter Night] 280-292
I think leveling this up to 301 is better,
and making Prismatic Black Diamond to 322, instead of 310 is most defenately cheaper
3x [Black Diamond]
=3x [Prismatic Black Diamond] 301-310
3x [Black Diamond]
=3x [Prismatic Black Diamond] 301-310
This recipe does not exist? I have been to the jewelcrafting trainer in Silvermoon, Dalaran and Thrallmar. My skill is at 301 and should be available at 300.
3x [Black Diamond]
=3x [Prismatic Black Diamond] 301-310
This recipe does not exist? I have been to the jewelcrafting trainer in Silvermoon, Dalaran and Thrallmar. My skill is at 301 and should be available at 300.
I opened a bugtracker ticket, recipe appears in 3.1 when Ulduar is released. The trainer on Lordaeron and Icecrown do have it already.
I'd argue some points in that first guide. Insofar as Northrend, since there is an abundance of cheap uncommon (green) gems, I'd cut shadow crystals until you can do Blood Sun Necklaces and Jade Dagger pendants. That's because of the six uncommons, shadow crystals are the only ones not used in one of those two patterns. Making those, and then eventually Shadowmight Rings and Stoneguard Bands, are perfect if you have (or have access to) a high level enchanter. They disenchant into materials that are worth more than the materials used to make them.
Once you get high enough that the rings are grey, you should be able to cut metas to 450.
Jewelcrafting is probably the cheapest profession to skill up with in Northrend, although alchemy is cheap after the patch (no cooldown on titanium or sky/earth xmutes).