I feel that some classes are so limited to what they can transmog that it removes the possibilities for amazing transmogs. I personally play as an enhancement shaman on the realm Icecrown - I have full tier 3 transmog with two glowing white axes - but i'd prefer if I could transmog axes / maces to fist weapons as well. Now that being said - it doesn't really make much sense for axes to be transmogged to fist weapons but then again transmog doesn't really make sense at all for that matter. I feel like you should be able to transmog into a weapon that your class can wield - not the base fact that it just isnt the same model. I would really truly appreciate if this could change and I know a lot of people would feel the same.
It also opens up a way for people to be more creative with their transmogs which brings more variety into the system that you implemented just for that reason. I would be supercool to see some kind of change - at least for the one hands.

Kind regard - Plusthree