Imam problem kod doniranja zablokirala mi kartica skroz ,eh sad kako ja tu karticu da odblokiram razlog sto je kartica blokirala jes sto je vec ta kartica donirana na drugom acc i mi da probamo i zablokralo mi. I pise mi ovo

Your payment was canceled and refunded.
Dear User,

Your 10.00 EUR payment made on Mar 7, 2020 9:39 AM using your Credit Cards in Premium Management L.P was canceled by our anti-fraud team. Money were returned to the account holder.

To unblock this account, please provide us with your payment receipt and a copy of the account holder's ID (driver's license, passport or any other additional information that confirms this payment). If you have more than one account with this application, please let us know the details about them. You can attach all this info by clicking the button below and making an inquiry or you can send it to [email protected], indicating 'Verification for CID 212659856' in subject.

Thank you,
Paymentwall Team.