1. Frostmourne PVP

    Old player here (before crossrealm and other fancy features arrived for pvp)

    * Is there a season also with PVP gear sets ?
    savage -> furious -> relentless -> wrathful

    * How big is the crossrealm impact currently on other servers ?
    For Example: At the start of Frostmourne we won't queue with full furious/relentless geared characters from Blackrock I hope ?

    * Arena is not crossrealm right ?

    * Do alot of people play soloQ (I hope they implement it for Frostmourne)

  2. Theres 4 seasoned tiers 5-8. Arena isn't crossrealm but I don't see whats to stop people from making twinks for bgs. Blackrock shouldnt be around for at least half of the servers rotation since it uses relentless which is about ToC equivalent.
    Edited: April 7, 2020

  3. Hello,

    Is there any info on what the PVP scene will be like on the new server?

    Im sick of trying to gear up on icecrown but getting pulverised by other premade teams with shadowmourne/Bis armor.

    Will this be the case on the new realm as cross realm will be integrated?
    Also is there any info on the GS or Item level brackets?

    Im praying for roughly 500gs split brackets as on icecrown trying to gear up is near impossible with lose streak of around 10 before one win some days.
    This is usually due to queuing against people with 6.6k gs who zerg the hell out of your team, to the point where everyone stays dead to lose faster.

    Being that we will only have access to certain pvp gear, will we be getting pairs against players that have earned a season higher, with weapons that are from the next season/ next raid content?

    Also for arena, as its not cross realm, does that again mean no pairing against players who have armor that ranks higher then what is available to frostmoune players?

    Essentially the big question I think we all need to know is.

    Will we be matched against players who have access to content and weapons that are not available to frostmourne players.
    Meaning will frostmourne player be at a disadvantage in Bgs/pvp?

    I have no problem with losing, its part of the fun.
    What's not fun is knowing that the people I play against are not on equal footing as my team and I.

  4. No the gear should be limited to the seasonal gear which would be S5 initially. Main issue is I don't see anything from stopping people from decking out twinks on icecrown with a bunch of S5+ gear with a bunch of emblems of triumph they farmed. Then you'll have mercs playing on both sides.

  5. The way this should be done is by setting the maximum average item level limit for Frostmourne higher than for the other realms. Then they can make all the twinks they want and still not be stronger than those on the new realm.

  6. Yeah im kinda scared for this, and if the system looks at average item level they could abuse by picking op end game trinkets or other stuff

  7. I do believe the system works by gearscore. Doesnt matter if its equipped or in your bank, it takes your best items and equates it to your max gearscore. So if someone wants to play against low geared players, they would need to not have higher ilvl gear AT ALL.

  8. been trying to log into frostmourne not up yet they said 1 am server time

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