1. I know this is a long shot...

    I am searching for a Tailor (450) with a unique name, who knows the Merlin's Robe pattern.

    The unique name is for RP purposes (I'm unsure if the forums are RP friendly, but the in-game community seems quite welcoming to it, so thanks for that!). I am hoping to find a Tailor with a name that Merlin himself would accept a robe from (not non-sensible names, or puns, or funny names, etc.). Rank/gear/achievements do not matter, as by hitting level 450 Tailoring and obtaining the Merlin's Robe pattern has your character shown enough promise.

    Please let me know if you think your name fits. Asking in-game has gotten me hundreds of responses, mostly these are players who don't understand that the <crafted by ____ > is important to me.

    Do not be offended if I decline your service!


  2. "Every character's name is unique".

    Also, which faction? ToC recipes are faction specific. I got a tailor named Moonwell on horde with the recipe

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