1. Bugged SoloQ mmr matching

    So while im having some normal games and im 1750 mmr because didnt play much lately and getting consecutive wins, when out of nowhere I start getting in team with 1500-1550 mmr vs 1800-1890 mmr enemy team!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!? I prefer waiting 10 minutes for a queue then getting such absurd matchmaking!!! Pls fix this problem! Game IDs: 6837159 // 6837062 and much more! What I've noticed last season and this one included are games with 300+ difference in mmr which is just stupid and ruins game experience by 100%! If you are tired of this **** support me and start talking about this issue please! 200 - 300 mmr differnece just shouldnt happen, especialy at this low rating! I understand its needed above 2k but below its just unnecessary because there are enough people playing. I go to SoloQ Spectator and see 1900 vs 1600 // 1860 vs 1560 // 1700 vs 1500 and those games are at the same time WTF???
    Edited: November 4, 2020

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