really sucks man i donated gold so that my brother can just buy all the stuff he needs and half of it (30k) just disappears? stupid imo
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really sucks man i donated gold so that my brother can just buy all the stuff he needs and half of it (30k) just disappears? stupid imo
Agreed, it's almost a scam they do gold squish right after all the christmas sales. They could at least wait till later in the year to do economy clean ups.
Yes they scammed you, not sure who, but they gave you broken bio processor.
hello sir
i cam back to this game after 3years off and i didnt find my rouge so please ineed your help to retrieve it
How in the name of God , on a 1x rate server you think deleting characters is a good ideea? On higher rates , yes, maybe, but in 1x? Are you guys normal? Or maybe you have just so many players that you started to don't give a ****!
How can you mock a man's work on a 1x server?
Neat, came back after a long break to play with some friends and find out that all my mules have been deleted along with a lot of my stuff.
This is just perfect! Also prices for most of the relevant stuff seem to be around the same range I remember, so this gold squish seems to have accomplished jack. Amazing job...