they dont know themselves, I am wondering how to they can come this conclusion, maybe donations go up after gold squish, there is the benefit
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they dont know themselves, I am wondering how to they can come this conclusion, maybe donations go up after gold squish, there is the benefit
Well for someone who's wondering so much, you surely know and understand everything :D
I am not defending the server, but I imagine a team with the capacity to support a 30k online service understand what they are doing.
Not sure how conducting a gold squish promotes a "healthier" economy. I'm new here, but halving peoples' gold hurts the people who are poor more than it hurts the people who horde all the gold in the first place. If you're already rich in-game with mountains of gold piles, halving their inventories won't do anything to them or for the economy because they'll just repeat what they already did in the first place to horde up gold again. For anyone who is middle-class or poor, you're essentially cutting their oxygen levels to 50% in-game and making it a less-pleasurable gaming experience for them.
I propose a better way to do the gold squishing. For context of this "better way" to do the gold squishing, here's my example:
Americans receive stimulus checks due to COVID-19. The first stimulus check (I don't count the most recent one because it's a joke) gave out $1,200 to all American citizens. If you had a $75,000 or more salary, the $1,200 started to phase out as it went up the totem poll, i.e, for you received less and less money in your stimulus check if you had a salary of $79,000, $87,000, etc. Eventually, once it got to the people who made at or around $90,000 or more, or past $100k in general of a salary, you received $0 for a stimulus check.
I propose a system like that be implemented here. For those who have mountains of gold, the gold squish halving should be processed as standard. However, as you go across the characters that have less & less gold, from middle-class down to poor, you should decrease the amount of gold squishing from half to less, like a 1/3, 1/4, 1/5, 1/6, etc, all the way until you hit rock bottom where you have only 1000 gold. A person with 1000 gold doesn't need to get his money halved at all because he more than likely does not make an impact on the Warmane community in terms of people hording up all the gold, so why bother halving his income, disgruntling him, and making his life harder?
Obviously, spreading gold across multiple characters would be a detriment to this idea that would have to be fixed by staff, but I'm sure they're gonna do that regardless.
Syberian, this system translates poorly to warmane economy as it favors accounts which have many characters on them. A player could even make junk characters to act as gold sinks to reach a lower squish cutoff.
Worse is that players with multiple accounts can benefit from your system even more, and is generally those multi-account users who control the majority of warmane's economy and gold (speaking anecodtally).
I'm sure that warmane staff don't want to halve new account users who are working towards cold weather flying training on their first character, it's just that there's no other sane and simple way to cut gold from the economy and mitigate inflation
"I think the rich should get screwed and the poor should be spared"
If you think anyone on warmane is getting automatic gold added into their account you're being ridiculously silly.
Every player on the server has earned their gold in some way or another, and to cut down on one player simply because he spent more time than the other player farming and grinding gold, then you're crazy.
I don't have much freetime to play on warmane, but even I managed to aquire some gold. Here are my "easy" ways:
- doing lvl 71-80 quests at level 80 (~1000g per hour)
- doing the argentum dailies (~1000g for less than 1 hour)
- doing daily hc dungeon (~150g for 15 mins + 2x EoF)
- farming old dungeons (~500g per hour)
- doing ZG (~1000g for less than 1 hour)
- doing MC (~1500g for 1 hour)
As you see, it's not very hard to get alot of gold with only 2-5 hours per week (my playtime).
For the gold squish: there are ways to compensate the gold loss - e.g. buy enchanting materials, gems, primordial saronite etc. Those materials are not cut in half (maybe they should @warmane staff? :D )
This wouldn't change anything.
Nobody smart enough is carrying big piles of gold during squish. People go poor on purpose when squish comes. They invest their money ion gems and primordial saronites. Then sell after the squish is done. People have done this since 1st squish, they'll do it again. What do you think gold squish achieves, when 90% of the gold is invested on items.
Dude, you do realise that for someone to buy something (aka someone getting rid of gold) there is also an other guy selling something ( getting the gold) the gold is still out there somewhere.
But if that's your situation, you'll just buy cold weather flying before the cut, and you'll have 0 gold before the cut so you won't lose anything. The only difference you'll feel is ah prices getting halved.
The gold cut is literally made to help players like you
Hello there!
Most of the questions you are asking are impossible to answer unless the staff are keeping serious records of it, however I have some graphs for your first few questions. The problem is, that the current situation is still considered the " calm before the storm ", for me at least. You might notice the crazy and skyrocketing prices among some markets but it's still 1 month to go, which is a lot. I could give you percentages of many markets in the game, compared to exactly 1 year ago, but there are many markets I don't do research on etc etc.. What I'm trying to say is that knowing how bad / good inflation is compared to last year's squish is not really relevant. I also can't say an overall estimate cuz you asked for "right before the squish", which is more than 1 month away.
About the other questions:
-The amount being circulated on a no-expansion server is always increasing. Just think of the Argent Tournament dailies. Hundreds of players do that every day and it yields a lot of extra gold, 600-700+ each day out of nowhere, depending on your dedication. Multiply that by the amount of players doing that, and many other things, like raid loots, gold from vendors, gold from random world drop NPCs, gold from quests etc... Unless you spend every last dime of this new daily income on vendor stuff like mounts, repairs, skills, etc... the gold will stay in circulation and begin its endless journey between players' pockets, going back and forth between smart investments and flippings. That few thousand gold, when in good hands, can pretty quickly turn into something waaay bigger ;)
I forgot to add something to all the newbies:
Guess what's not getting halved!?!
Yea, the mats are not but everyone knows that and this thread usually turns out to be a thread to help newbies minimize their losses, so we ain't gonna talk about mats and stuff.
Soooo, the daily quests everyone! Before the squish, you get 100 gold for a quest, which is worth exactly 100 gold at that time, compared to 1 day after the squish. Catching my drift here worrying fellas? If you do that same quest 1 day after the squish you'll still get 100 gold and not 50 which, for a short peroid of time, will mean that you're getting double pay! Still not getting it? Imagine this:
You invest 10 mins to do a quest for 100 gold before the squish. You can also invest 10 mins to farm and sell your farmed mats on the AH for lets say 100 gold as well.
----------- Squish just happened, oh sh*t! -----------
You invest 10 mins to do a quest for 100 gold, you get your gold just like you got it before, nothing changes. BUT If you spend the same 10 mins to farm and sell, you're only getting half! You have to spend 2x the time to get the same amount. So get your argent crusade game on real quick and make some extra income, at least for a while, after the squish.
Hope this helps some fellas.
I just bought 140 primos to protect my money, ya´all should do the same so only ones that gets poorer are the AH bots.
1-2 weeks before gold squish, i will just "cancel" my grinding and dailies and etc etc
got really burned out farming gold as i said many times, its a waste of time in the long run,
got soo much gold that if i spend them right i will no longer need to "grind" or farm anything in this game to get it, and lets not mention the implication of real life, better to work irl to skip something here if you neeed it, sounds cynical and dramatic,
what i dont get is ,why this thread has only 2 pages lmao, people don't pay attention to gold squish and when it happens, sooo many will come raging here lol
ignorance everywhere.
Thanks for this! Very useful info for someone who sucks at gold farming... :)