1. How to get pve gear when pvp geared?

    Hello, nice to meet you. Im straub, anyways so im a 4.2k gs pvp geared paladin and i see in the guide im following for example there are some pve pieces that i need to get, while i have heard people dont let ANYONE in raids who has pvp gear on. Is there a specific thing i should do? like for example farm pve gear ? help would be very appreciated. Thanks so much in advance and have a good day!

  2. Yeah for the future you should get pve gear but for now don't worry about it, while your still gearing you should go for full pvp gear, You want PvE peices after you got plenty of resilience allready. Im not sure about the exact number since I never played ret pvp but at least 800+ Resilience, Many classes goes for 1k+ at least.
    While PvE gear does increase you dmg by a lot you take much more dmg too, so you want wrathfull gear maxed out in the slots you don't have PvP gear equipped, and considering you're 4,2k gs you have a long way to go, so for now you should just buy full PvP gear so you don't get 1 shot by those big dogs roaming the BG's.

  3. yeah but how can i get the pve pieces after i get pvp gear? i just wanna know it i understood what u said and i will use it ingame :)

  4. mostly amulet is what im worried about.. i have a really rubbish one but the best one i can get in the auction house.

  5. Gem for hit cap, do rdf , 10 solo que arena matches for the 264 arena points, start the quest chain in dal for fos/pos for the frost emblem boost.
    Use your honor for gems sell gems buy boe. Run reg rdf as a tank and piss people off because you have no avoidance but ehhbh your crit immune.
    Get a 5 k gs rep run where you get no loot because boe is rez. Lots of ways to get gear but it's a time grind.

    Pvp is fun but it's easier to start with pve gear and get pvp but eh.

  6. If you want top PvE stuff for those slots you have 2 choices:

    1. Buy them with coins. Donate or use trade system to sell stuff for coins.

    Farming stuff/flipping etc /gold farm/, maybe leveling chars and selling them(gl with this lmao)

    2. Play PvE and join/progress with your guild to endgame-ish level.

    Create PvE offspec, read a guide what you build and do. Grind EoT(RDF HC spam), buy T9 set, offpieces, get some drops from fos/pos/hor dungeons. This will get you ready to join some "entry" or "progression" guild. Go from there, clear raids every week and you will get those endgame PvE pieces in no time.

  7. If you are 4.2k you are not geared. It's pretty easy to turn that gear around into pve.

  8. Well pretty much you can take both at the same time, just do your daily RDF HC for Emblems (for pve gear) and daily bgfor honor for PvP gear

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