hey, i'm looking for a guild has title says to help out doing burning crusade achieves, dung and raid clear for reputations and so on, but also wotlk content, no need to beed hardcore in any wotlk raid but if does them its cool, im at 5.3k gs, fire mage, TOC 10/25, VOA 10/25 onyxia 10/25 achieves done, and done weekly with chat pugs, ICC25 first 3 bosses down, playtime varies weekly, week afternoon, week morning, and so on, and ofc be active and social with enough members to do outland dung stuff once or twice a day, has i can't solo most dungs, 1 or 2 other lvl80 players should be enough, just needs the same interest.

katallystmag - lordaeron, horde, 80 mage