1. tanks and healers in dangeons

    we , healers and tanks, think that the loosting system in dangeons is lacking and is one of the reason we don't frequently tag anymore.
    i think allowing healers/tanks looting as dps is wise choice to improve the "random dangeon finder" que times.
    Simple math, 1 heal + 1 tank , gives 3 spot for a dpser, so if x healer/tank decline to join rdf, 3*x dpsers will be waiting in the que forever.
    90% of us log in rdf so we can build/approve our os spec wich is dps spec.
    So , to conclude, we should be eligible to roll our main spec as usual and roll for dps spec without ban penalty and toe to toe with other dpsers.
    Glory to the alliance, Glory to the tanks and healers.

  2. IF such thing will cone true, i'll create druid with enchanting to need on whatever i want and DE it after for abyss crystals.
    You don't even realise amount toxicity that your suggestion gonna generate...

  3. if you want to gear a dps spec then que as dps and deal with the long que times. contrary to what you seem to think, you're not special.

  4. Just the fact you presume to speak for healers and tanks is enough to not take this seriously.

    Tanks and healers queue just fine, the issue is just they are a lot less numerous than DDs. If you truly believe our rules will be changed - rules set in place due to players abusing the base-game looting - because you're essentially saying you boycott queuing, you're deluded. You talk like the DDs need you, but if you didn't need them as well you would be soloing Dungeons, not coming up with this "blackmailing."

    It's up the the rest of the group - all of them - to agree to let you roll for gear they queued for, as covered in the rules.

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