1. Arena experience/ MMR dropping

    Hi guys,

    I would like to share my disappointment from the PVP-Arena system (2v2)(3v3)(5v5).
    The fact that the whole PVP bracket is mixed with Blackrock/Icecrown players makes it hard enough to climb in Ladder and eventually gear our characters with Wrathful heads. There is something even more frustrating.

    I am currently struggling between 1800-1900 rating with my SP/ROG combo , because we meet some players who are high-rated but they drop their MMR by queueing and then leaving the arena on some random team then they make a new team with 1000 mmr while their real mmr is 2200 and climbing Ladder with stats like 100-0.
    This ruins all the experience that we have when on 1800 rating im constantly facing Rival/Challenger/Gladiator players.

    Why don't you make the PVP Arena bracket queues like the one in 3v3 soloq? Like if you que for arena but do not accept -> get the 15 min deserter debuff.
    Or if you leave arena right after you enter - it still drops your mmr and you aren't punished at all. But if you get 15 minutes deserter for one leave/que dodge, I am sure many people will stop dropping MMR.

    This overall stuff with MMR dropping is frustrating and I am sure that I'm not the only one with this opinion

  2. I am currently struggling between 1800-1900 rating with my SP/ROG combo , because we meet some players who are high-rated but they drop their MMR by queueing and then leaving the arena on some random team then they make a new team with 1000 mmr while their real mmr is 2200 and climbing Ladder with stats like 100-0.
    This ruins all the experience that we have when on 1800 rating im constantly facing Rival/Challenger/Gladiator players.

    There is mmr reset at beginning of each season every 3 or 4 months. Thousands of players above 1800 mmr go back to 1500mmr.

    I doubt the 0.000001% of players who are mmr dropping are preventing you from climbing. You can post your match history if you are convinced.

  3. The leavers may not necessarily be MMR droppers. They may be a new team, with characters that are gearing up, figuring that quickly leaving 10 games gets them the same weekly arena points. They figure that's better than getting your face pummeled by (mainly) 6+ geared DKs/Warrs/Palas which is not fun. I'm new to the arena myself but I've had to deal with this problem.

    Mind you, the team leaving the arena gets 1 game counted towards the 10 games needed to be eligible for arena points. The team that doesn't leave gets nothing. Actually worse than nothing. They get punished as they have literally wasted their time, by no fault of their own. They just had the bad luck to run into leavers.

    The point is I agree with brumzii. The amount of people leaving the arena is high.

    a) Leaving a game should yield zero reward if not outright punish you. If anything, that 1 game should go to the team that *isn't leaving*.

    b) Leaving should get you a 15min debuff just like in BGs. Simple as that.

    This would reduce both leaving for gearing up quick and dirty and the frequency you run into MMR droppers. Sure, it wouldn't stop MMR dropping altogether but still... It would be a start.

    How/why is this not common sense?

  4. Considering this was a retail future i don't agree that leavers should be punished, but i do agree that the team that stayed should at least get a game counted towards their 10 games, but no team raiting should be awarded as this can be abused.

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