1. aRmOrPeN iS bIs... :D
    Welcome to warmane where people gem arp at 2k gs cause they think it's good.

    The trinket might've been better for a ret or uhdk but you should have won it if it was a upgrade.

    I'm sorry for your loss

  2. AP isnt warrior's stat eh? If that logic was remotely true, they shouldnt give that trinket to paladin aswell since str is also more valuable than raw ap for paladin (warrior 1 str = 2,64 ap, paladin 1 str = 2,53 ap.). Sorry for you bro, they totally ninjaed it by only being ignorant, dc n is an upgrade to all regardless being warrior or dk or paladin. If you had anything better you wouldnt roll it anyway. And no, just because it procs arp doesnt mean fos trinket is better, especially at higher gear level it loses its benefit, even wfs is better than that and also better than banner of victory aswell for warrior.

  3. Once I lost a DBW as a paladin. They told me that it is a **** trinket but it was a huge upgrade for me as I had literally bad trinkets. And instead they gave that trinket to the enchantment shaman. He then just left the raid.

    Imagine that.

  4. Hello, just want to know your opinion on something. I am as little as 5.6k fury warrior wearing Banner of Victory and Mark of Supremacy.

    Today, I was doing ToC 25 and Death's Choice dropped. I rolled 100. Was intending to replace the hit trinket, cause I'm hit overcapped atm.

    And then what happened really frustrated me. Leader and a few ppl from the raid started telling me it's not a warrior item because AP was not my main stat, it was for ret or dk and so he gave it to a ret that rolled 88. We had a dispute after in which those guys tried to convince me again it's not a warrior trinket and is bad for fury.

    I decided not to be a dckhead and didn't report the leader but i keep thinking if i'm actually wrong or they ninja-ed the trinket from me.

    Will be grateful for real answers and so that i'll know if i should or not roll for DC anymore :)
    It's not the most optimal trinket for warrior considering your GS, so I can understand why they sort of refused to give it to you. Though they should've give it regardless, unless they had specified that only certain classes were eligible for the rolls which they didn't. So yes, they stole it from you.

    I'd advice you to go after the items that you truly need though, sometimes just because the ilvl is greater it doesn't mean they are an upgrade, take the example of the marrow axe. That one is possibly the worst weapon of the entire wotlk, I'd go as far as saying that the PoS one is better, I will have to test it.

  5. I know it's not STS or DBW but it's way better regardless GS than my hit eot trinket. For Bryntoll, it's not a joke i've seen fury warr dual-wielding 2 bryntolls just for gs so yes, the inly thing I like in newer expansions is that gs is not a thing there, tho ilvl is, not sure if not the same but at least no gs addons and crap.

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