1. My macros are gone...

    Hello. Last night my game got stuck and I had to restart my computer forcibly. When I entered the game, my pimps were gone. Is there a more painless way to restore them than to do them again?
    4 computers, 3 characters, 2 specs, it's crazy to do everything from scratch ...

    P.P. from the WTF folder I recovered about 10%.

  2. Go to a computer where you haven't logged in recently and look for files called macros-cache.txt (they are in the WTF folder, use the search feature of Windows Explorer).

    Don't log in or the client will download the macros from the server and wipe your macros-cache.txt files.

  3. From 2 computers recovered about 10-15% of the macros. No access to other computers.

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