1. Weak aura life target Percentage

    Hello, i play affliction warlock. I need a weak aura to track the exact percentage of the target. Can someone tell me how can i reach this objective?

  2. Originally Posted by Back-ported WotLK WeakAuras 3.1.8 compatible
    // Too short, apparently.

  3. I wrote it for this version: https://github.com/Bunny67/WeakAuras...ases/tag/3.1.8

    Anyway, here's the LUA table, maybe you'll figure out what goes where and adjust it to your version:
        ["outline"] = "OUTLINE",
        ["xOffset"] = 0,
        ["displayText"] = "%stacks%",
        ["customText"] = "function()\\n    local hp = UnitHealth(\\\"target\\\")\\n    local maxHp = UnitHealthMax(\\\"target\\\")\\n    local hpPerc = hp / maxHp * 100\\n    \\n    print(\\\"text func\\\", hp, maxHp, hpPerc)\\n    return hp, maxHp, hpPerc\\nend\\n\\n",
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            [1] = {
                ["trigger"] = {
                    ["debuffType"] = "HELPFUL",
                    ["type"] = "custom",
                    ["subeventPrefix"] = "SPELL",
                    ["subeventSuffix"] = "_CAST_START",
                    ["customStacks"] = "function(...)\\n    if UnitExists(\\\"target\\\") then\\n        local hp = UnitHealth(\\\"target\\\")\\n        local maxHp = UnitHealthMax(\\\"target\\\")\\n        local hpPerc = hp / maxHp * 100\\n        \\n        return format(\\\"%.0f\\\", hpPerc)\\n    end\\nend",
                    ["duration"] = "1",
                    ["event"] = "Combat Log",
                    ["unit"] = "player",
                    ["names"] = {
                    ["events"] = "PLAYER_TARGET_CHANGED, UNIT_HEALTH, UNIT_MAXHEALTH",
                    ["spellIds"] = {
                    ["custom"] = "function(event, ...)\\n    return UnitExists(\\\"target\\\")\\nend",
                    ["check"] = "event",
                    ["unevent"] = "timed",
                    ["custom_type"] = "event",
                    ["custom_hide"] = "custom",
                ["untrigger"] = {
                    ["custom"] = "function(event, ...)\\n    if (event == \\\"PLAYER_TARGET_CHANGED\\\") then\\n        return not UnitExists(\\\"target\\\")\\n    end\\nend",
            ["disjunctive"] = "any",
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        ["id"] = "Exact Target Health Percentage",
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