1. Hello i did all steps according to this guide but i got still error in dalaran cause of not enough memory and i have 16G Ram and RTX7040 graphic card :D:D but only i Dalaran elsewhere is ok :D:D

  2. I completed all of the steps and everything works great. Except there are 2 small white marks on my female gnomes face. They are one below each eye, and look like small white dots.


    Any idea on how to fix this? Thanks.

  3. Is there a way to load the old mechano hog instead of the wod model?

  4. Hello. Thank you for the great mod. Just one tiny issue.

    Patch 8

    The new armors cause inconsistencies with my siper silk robe. The texture gets all mixed up and look weird.
    I suspect there might be other textures in conflict with this patch. Is there as workaround?

    It's not really a big deal, and since I really like the new hd armours, I could ignore it, as eventually I'll get a new robe(hopefully without the same issue), but if there's a workaround/solution, please let me know.

  5. Hello. Thank you for the great mod. Just one tiny issue.

    Patch 8

    The new armors cause inconsistencies with my siper silk robe. The texture gets all mixed up and look weird.
    I suspect there might be other textures in conflict with this patch. Is there as workaround?

    It's not really a big deal, and since I really like the new hd armours, I could ignore it, as eventually I'll get a new robe(hopefully without the same issue), but if there's a workaround/solution, please let me know.
    Apologies. The rome in question is called "Robe of Moccasin"

  6. Hello
    I am using Legion models and i wanted to share them with my friend
    I just don't remember where i found them
    Have some flashes that it was from this Post

    Does this mod comes with a interface window that lets you turn on and off options?
    The one i am using it does,if its not this and you know in which post is ,let me know


  7. Hi everyone,
    I have problem with Dala crash, some NR crash, and sometimes crash me of the beggining of the game - starting screen, before i wrote acc i pass.
    Try LAA, 4GB patch and te problem dosnt fix. I cannot remove "Only-read' at Wotlk folder and dont know why - every time i remove only read it appear again at the moment i close the properties windows.
    Any solutions or fot my biggest sorry ill need to delete add wod files and play with classic LK vision?

  8. Try LAA, 4GB patch and te problem dosnt fix. I cannot remove "Only-read' at Wotlk folder and dont know why - every time i remove only read it appear again at the moment i close the properties windows.
    That's because you still have the wow client added to your bittorrent client.

    But removing the read-only flag from your folder won't solve your crashes.

  9. I can confirm deleting Patch-N.MPQ fixes any issues you would otherwise have with addons, not sure what this patch does exactly, but it's only 50mb.

  10. Carbonite and Gatherer are two of the best addons this game has ever had, i couldn't imagine playing without them.

    I am guessing Patch-N.MPQ has something to do with the custom map content, but i couldn't care less about that.

  11. Is it possible to add BFA NPC models? They changed some of npcs models. Like https://wowpedia.fandom.com/wiki/Lohgan_Eva

  12. 3 Weeks Ago  
    I don't know if you are a time traveller but not sure an RTX7040 would exist in 2024! ^^
    Sorry, just a joke :)

  13. 3 Weeks Ago  
    Hello i did all steps according to this guide but i got still error in dalaran cause of not enough memory and i have 16G Ram and RTX7040 graphic card :D:D but only i Dalaran elsewhere is ok :D:D
    I don't know if you are a time traveller but not sure an RTX7040 would exist in 2024! ^^
    Sorry, just a joke :)

    For the others who have graphics issues: did you delete your cache folder?

  14. 3 Weeks Ago  

    i cant remove the Read Only file option in wow folder Properties

    Hello !. mine always got WoW error at Dalaran . I remove the Read only in Properties but the moment i go to properties again its has this logo . ive got 16gb of ram and RTX 4060 video card
    Edited: 3 Weeks Ago

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