are you sure?
if we go by server time as displayed on forums it should take 2:45 more
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It's not about 7 level char, the situation above is just "I don't read transfer info and complain". Math has nothing to do with it.
My point is that I am lucky to level bank chars to 12 levels by accident, otherwise I would lose them.
This information is not clear, even if you use "above", which is logically correct (I am programming, so I know, what "strict more than" means), but it is still vague.
Another example "the server will be up until Thursday". Logically it means, that at the start of Thursday server will be shut down. But in real terms Thursday is always included.
Two people have said that, you included. Everyone else got it fine, we have a constantly full queue of 3000 characters waiting to be transferred, no matter how many already got moved.
The issue might not be "vague wording," you know.
So many questions about the transfer, but no one asked what will happen with the long queues?
Probably 4k Frosmourne players will have to buy a premium to be able to play again.
Aaah love to see that someone else is as excited as I am! Spread the good vibes guys! See you in Azeroth ;D
I am confused server time on forum says about 2 hours left till start?
Is it different?
Until April 22, Reserved name that will not be used by original owner will be up for grab
So hyped, just wondernig about the following:
"Characters names from last season are reserved on the accounts they were created on."
I sold my frostmourne character via warmane trade and the new owner did not rename it. Now I dont seem to be able to use my old name, even though the character was originally created on my acc. Is there a way to deal with this?
the information is vague. one is to say that the server is reset from 0(the content can be resetEd), and another is to say that all characters that do not exceed lvl 10 will be deleted. ok we are2, but there will certainly be others, and many are complacent about the situation and say nothing.
When you sell the character, the "creation account" becomes that of whoever bought it from my understanding. They are the ones with the reservation for the name now. The point of that line might have been more to let people know they couldn't use the reservation on a different account than the one that had the character with that name.
He got it wrong. Server start is at 16:00 GMT, which means that it will start in 2 hours and 17 minutes.
Someone please let me know though if the server starts before designated time.