As you probably saw on the Frostmourne forum section, the above statement is a particular point of contention. For all the enquiries and anticipation, the was never any official response provided. Even to confirm or quantify the above statement.
At the point of writing this, the shop on Frostmourne has not been updated with a single ilvl264 item. Now it feels like it's a mute point to argue as the sever will reset in a little over two weeks and noone really cares for the update anymore. However, it would be helpful to know as to why that is.
Is the amount of items dropped set to unreasonably high values? If so, will the values be adjusted?
Considering this is one of the primary means of monetization for the server, does it make sense to skip out on a whole patch?
Stating the amount of item drops is what fuels a shop update is incredibly hard to believe. Some tier10 pieces were added to the shop 3 or 4 days into the ICC patch (assuming VoA drops). Few days later all ilvl258 ToC items were added to the shop and along with that all ilvl 251 items from ICC were added. This is at the point where there were only 3 alliance guilds that managed to kill 10man LK. This feels like the ilvl251 gear simply bandwagoned with the ilvl258 ToC gear as it made little sense to leave out "inferior" items.
This may be a tin foil hat moment, but the items that would be the most coveted in the shop also refuse to drop from bosses at appropriate rates. Call it extreme misfortune, but we have noticed way too many cases where 95% of the boss loot was being disenchanted while anticipating drops such as and We dropped 1 of each across two difficulties. This got more extreme in ICC where we have not seen, or drop at all. A lot of guilds have similar horror stories. In a vacuum, it's hard not to believe that specific gear is not weighted towards a "catch up in shop" incentive.