Can you be more specific on what happens to characters below level 10? Do I need to transfer everything from my bankalts to main to avoid deletion?
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Can you be more specific on what happens to characters below level 10? Do I need to transfer everything from my bankalts to main to avoid deletion?
- The server is being reset to zero and started over with no characters.
- Only characters level 10 and above will be transferred.
What is confusing you when you put those two together?
so, if i get my character level 5 with full twink gear it wont be transfered and i will keep my items?
Why would you keep the inventory of a deleted character?
This is great news, can't wait to try it all out!
Small question tho, "Guilds that obtain the realm first achievements in PvE will be also featured prominently", what about the other realm firsts ? Any specific title/reward for them ?
These people have to be trolling.
Not to mention it's like 2 quests and a dozen mob kills from 5 to 10 literally for all those afraid for their bank alts..
If I wanna transfer a DK from Frostmourne and I already have one on Icecrown, will that character transfer or?
Hi Dev Team,
Since i found only this in your statement:
It is not clear if this change will affect also Arena points weekly reset to be blizzlike(once per week) ?
Best Regards.
At times like this, I pity you for being a forum moderator.
Please consider giving a reward to all realm firsts (profession, leveling ect) such as a specific title related to that realm first, cause I would be disappointed to see that they are not rewarded while the loremaster, the person who earned the most golds ect are
As I understand it the timewalking raids will give 1 tier lower gear than their wotlk counterparts. So Kharazan 25 will give 10-man naxx gear. Is this right? Also I don't know what class to play. I already have a bear and a pally tank and I don't want to play queue simulator :(
First Karazahn is only 10 man.