When will there be more information?
Interested, what ilvl will things items? For example in s5.
(Epics s5 min and max ilvls' 200-226)
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When will there be more information?
Interested, what ilvl will things items? For example in s5.
(Epics s5 min and max ilvls' 200-226)
Please give us legacy stuff to get more stat in lvling, it's too fcking fun to chain dg lvling with big stat
Ok, having read the whole thread I can't find if there is any response about arena teams so here it goes:
Will arena teams be kept with the transfer? (i guess not?)
Will there be double arena flushes on new frostmourne season?
Thank you
I guess i didnt reread the initial post again. I now saw it has been edited to reflect the end of arena season @14-04 my apologies warmane stuff.
I did not understand the publication correctly, is it a restart of the game?
If so, Great!
If not, I wonder, when will there be another x1 realm since patch 3.0?
I've read the post, but didn't understand how the character transfer will happen... Is it from the website, or somehow ingame? Since I have 3 chars on Frostmourne and 2 empty slots left in Icecrown, it means one of the FM chars will be wiped. But how I choose which one to transfer and which one to get wiped?
Please some more info how exactly the transfer works and when it will be available?
Thanks in advance
That was really helpful, and thanks for this, but still I don't understand how the character transfer will happen?
Will it be automatically or we have to do something for it?
I presume someone from the raid will need to do it so he can open the door.
My question exactly! Nobody knows, some give facile answers, GM sends a link to this thread which DOESN'T ANSWER the question, so I've just decided to wait and see, which is hard to do. I guess the worst that happens is that I stick around for another year of Frostmourne: no biggie since I'm a pvp guy and don't care about raids or whatever, but not being able to plan ahead is frustrating.