Ah cmon brothers we need the 2x reset per week! I really enjoy raiding multiple times per week!
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Ah cmon brothers we need the 2x reset per week! I really enjoy raiding multiple times per week!
There's no "deciding to keep on Frostmourne." Frostmourne is getting wiped and started over, as was made clear since the server was announced.
Character banks will follow. Guild banks will not.
Thank you.
Instead of this random old content from vanilla stuff that only a select few will actually finish, and MAYBE get the title and mount... You should focus on making content patches like 3.0.2 and go through patch stages like retail did, experience all of old Wrath and old quest lines back before the Lich King was even a boss yet, doing something like Echoes of Doom would be amazing for Warmane battling the scourage off the ports of stormwind and fighting the scourge out of Orgrimmar! Do these more memorable events instead of trying to reiterate something that was already done in classic that wasn't even ment for this expansion... This is why I stopped donating...
I, too, am confident that is the case.
How will the name reserving work?
Will you only be allowed to reserve one of the names of your former characters?
Does the former frostmourne character have to be a certain level for you to reserve it?
As said in the first post, the intent is that returning players from the Season 1 have the option to keep the names they have used when moving to the new Season, if they so prefer, not to allow "first picks" on any name.
Is this aimed at me? Because "prominent dungeons of the past." does not equal timewalking older WotLK patch events and sequences...
So what happens if someone goes hardcore and earns multilpe forum titles? Will there be a service of swapping these or is it going to be a "only once take it or leave it" desicion? Also as I said in my thread about these titles I'm not complaining or anything but if "Loremaster" and "Battlemaster" are worthy of giving coin rewards + titles, what about titles like "The Insane" or 100k HKs or high-end pvp ones? I'm only talking about Forstmourne, I've let the idea if Icerown forum titles go, as I should've. What if someone earns "Loremaster" but doesn't like the way it sounds and would rather have "The Insane" because for him it means more.
Other question:
What happens if someone sells a character with one of the reward titles on the trade market? Who is getting the forum title and the coins, the guy he earned it or the guy who bought it? If these are going to be tradable it's going to give a whole new meaning to achi grinding, I imagine people doing these achies on multiple chars because they're going to be worth much more not only because of the achies and titles itself but because of the forum rewards.
Don't get me wrong! These are amazing features and wonderful new things, for me, it's all fine right now. I'm only asking these questions because I couldn't find the answer yet and it'd be good to know how this system will work. The other new achies and titles, the ones with only 1 winner / season are going to be interesting and none of these problems are present with those.