1. Pet Transmog

    Allow to transmog pets (all non exotics with non exotics, all exotics with exotics) for a hefty fee. Or allow to permanently change the appearance of a pet, maybe one belonging to the same "family" (ex, wolves with wolves) to an unique skin with a pet transmogrification scroll. Could include pet variants for warlocks and DKs as well, for instance.

    Random examples:
    - carrion bird / bird of prey to phoenix
    - hydra to crocodile
    - worm to grub / larva
    - wolf to worgen

    I'm not saying to make it common or to allow to completely mask a pet as something else, but it'd be interesting to have more cosmetic options for the gold standard of pve pets (wolves) and pvp pets (crabs, spiders, ravagers).
    Edited: March 29, 2021 Reason: added examples

  2. This was suggested many times on retail forums and WoW's official reddit page and has always been denied. If they couldn't / didn't do it on retail I doubt it would be possible here.
    Following this logic people will eventually want to transmog mounts and stuff like that. In the fantasy world both pets and mounts are living creatures and beasts after all so if the magic works on hunter pets what's stopping it from working on mounts. Tmogging mounts is pretty lame tho, if you don't like your current one you can always hop on an other one. The only use for this would be to xmog 280% mounts to 310% ones but that should be forbidden.

    I know that hunter pets have a different situation cuz you can't just swap them if you don't like their outlook without losing important abilities.
    Anyways, I think implementing a feature like this is extremely difficult and I seriously doubt this will happen. We're lucky enough to even have the transmog option on a wotlk realm.

    Also, what about the pets and minions of other classes? You mentioned it in your post but since they didn't even have any alternatives in the first place this would also mean a whole new feature unique to this server unlike retail. Like warlocks and shamans and any other class that can summon pets, even for just some minutes. Unlike hunters they don't have any choice to make about their pets' appearance. All DK minions look the same and all shaman wolves look the same. Hunters are the lucky ones who got to pick and tame their lovely companion themselves.

    Only option I can imagine is having some cosmetic feature to make your pet more personal and stand out. Pet customization is not a thing on retail as far as I know so there wouldn't be any pattern to follow, meaning this option will probably get dismissed as well. :c

    One more thing: This would cause a huge chaos in pvp! If you want to beat a skilled hunter it doesn't hurt to know the pet's abilities as well only by looking at the pet. Even if they're from the same pet family they can have slightly different spells, meaning only the hunter would benefit from this by fooling opponents with the pet's apperance.
    Edited: March 30, 2021

  3. Blizz wise, Transmog and Mercenary Mode wasn't a thing in Wrath either! But I do understand the need to keep the server as Blizzlike as possible, so this might go nowhere. Worth a shot regardless!

    For what it concerns pvp, it wouldn't be a problem if you could pin a certain custom appearance to the corresponding pet. For instance, hydra with crocodile. Mayhap a single epic, transmoggable appearance for each pet family, one and one only. Same for other classes with pets.

    For what it concerns mounts, it's a completely different matter. There's no need to transmog mounts, other than turning a 280 appearance into a 310, since there's no real major difference in quality of performance between mounts. On the flip side, bringing anything other than a wolf to a raid is a major no-no.

    And yes, the idea here was a purely cosmetic enhancement. It's not something terribly important, but it'd be nice to have as a prestigious or visually appealing extra.

  4. I understand. It would indeed be great to make the server unique in as many ways as possible, but we need to be extremely careful not to ruin it because eventually it would become an "out of the frying pan and into the fire" situation. Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying that your idea is bad. It could actually be quite good and exciting for the target audience. Since I've never had a hunter I will never understand this struggle you're having perfectly but I can imagine.

    Warmane seems to be smart about their realm layout and design, I mean pretty much anyone can find what they're looking for here, there are 4 wotlk servers to choose from. With the all-new Frostmourne season and updates we're getting plenty of things that weren't a thing back in wrath. Also the seasonal events, the completely new Christmas events every year etc etc... It's pretty easy to feel like you're not playing the original wotlk anymore if you got to play it in 2008. However, keeping a 12 year old expansion alive is one hell of a challenge I'm sure.

    What I'm trying to say here is that updates like your idea are not bad ideas or anything like that, I'm just saying that even if Warmane put tremendous effort into making it happen and COULD actually make it happen, it would make the game more and more "Anti" Blizzlike. There *could* be a new wotlk realm designated for the sole purpose of making it as unique and fun as possible ( like the Christmas free for all pvp event ) for the crazier kind or for people who got bored of both pvp and pve and all wotlk realms in general. But I'm kindof sure that smaller private servers like this already exist. Not to mention the coding difficulties I literally know nothing about and I can only imagine the problems this update would raise. The game client would eventaully look like my screen when I was playing GTA IV with 50 mods installed back in the dayz heh.

    Anyways, if this didn't cause chaos in pvp and was only a cosmetic enhancement to please hunters as you said, I would not mind it but keep in mind that Warmane would probably put a huge price tag on any service like this because of the small target audience and other difficulties. Back when the Blizzlike transmog option was implemented it was preceded by lots and lots of waiting and maaaaany people suggesting it, so unless you get all the hunters that are currently playing across all realms to protest until they work something out I don't think this is happening anytime soon, if ever.

    Both Transmong and Mercenary Mode can be toggled on / off tho, so this idea should also get a function like that making it more and more complicated.

    Do you have any idea in mind on how this whole system would work? I'm just curious. They did an amazing and creative job when they introduced the original transmog feature here, it is balanced between players with cash and players without. You can get a full xmog set and the scrolls for it with pure grinding and farming BGs/TOC but that's gonna take a long time. You can of course get everything from the store in 2 minutes if you'd like to. How would this work here? What would be the item that generates the xmog / appearance change? How would the changing progress work? Walk up to a hydra with your crocodile pet and chant a 5 min long spell? ( jk ) xd. So you get the idea, I just wanna see how this whole thing would work.

    Edited: March 30, 2021

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