I just think there is a group of premade "Kenzz, Quop, Destruction and C&A etc..." that have already proven themselves more than enough that they dominate every day the Alterac and Isle of Conquest BGs. All I know is that Battlegrounds is only fair when it's Random Players against Random Players. And not Random Players facing FULL GEAR Players + Communication program, strategy with Tank on the front line, Healers and DPS with GEAR FULL PVE killing the random players this is unfair. The 40x40 BGS are broken because of the domination of these players. There is no such thing as a healthy PVP.
I play WoW Retail too and I rarely see premades there and it's a lot fairer.
That's why Rated Battleground was implemented in Cataclysm it's fair premade organized vs premade organized.