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WotLK Level Map
WotLK Level Map
This is a very simple, yet amazingly handy resource.
It answers exactly one question: "Where should I go to level next?"
It's the same question I've asked on a number of occasions throughout my leveling experience, yet these sort of maps have all but faded from existence when it comes to legacy World of Warcraft gameplay. I forget exactly where I picked this one up, but it has seems to have vanished from the popular search engines as well. Hopefully it serves you as well as it has served me and thanks to the original creator.
Added Stuff-- It's not just the level you need, but the instances as well. Which instance is appropriate for your character? I've got you covered there as well.
Ragefire Chasm 15 - 25 5-player Dungeon
The Deadmines 15 - 25 5-player Dungeon
Wailing Caverns 17 - 27 5-player Dungeon
Shadowfang Keep 22 - 30 5-player Dungeon
Blackfathom Deeps 22 - 32 5-player Dungeon
The Stockade 22 - 32 5-player Dungeon
Gnomeregan 26 - 36 5-player Dungeon
Razorfen Kraul 32 - 42 5-player Dungeon
Scarlet Monastery 26 - 45 5-player Dungeon
Razorfen Downs 37 - 47 5-player Dungeon
Maraudon 42 - 52 5-player Dungeon
Uldaman 42 - 52 5-player Dungeon
Dire Maul 44 - 54 5-player Dungeon
Zul'Farrak 46 - 56 5-player Dungeon
Stratholme 48 - 58 5-player Dungeon
Atal'Hakkar 50 - 60 5-player Dungeon
Sunken Temple 50 - 60 5-player Dungeon
Blackrock Depths 52 - 60 5-player Dungeon
Scholomance 55 - 60 5-player Dungeon
Blackrock Spire 55 - 60 5-player Dungeon
Old Hillsbrad 66 - 75 5-player Dungeon
Hellfire Ramparts 70 - 75 5-player Dungeon
Sethekk Halls 70 - 75 5-player Dungeon
The Slave Pens 70 - 75 5-player Dungeon
The Blood Furnace 70 - 75 5-player Dungeon
The Underbog 70 - 75 5-player Dungeon
The Shattered Halls 70 - 75 5-player Dungeon
Mana-Tombs 70 - 75 5-player Dungeon
The Black Morass 70 - 75 5-player Dungeon
The Botanica 70 - 75 5-player Dungeon
The Steamvault 70 - 75 5-player Dungeon
Magisters' Terrace 70 - 75 5-player Dungeon
The Mechanar 70 - 75 5-player Dungeon
Auchenai Crypts 70 - 75 5-player Dungeon
Shadow Labyrinth 70 - 75 5-player Dungeon
The Arcatraz 70 - 75 5-player Dungeon
The Forge of Souls 80 5-player Dungeon
Pit of Saron 80 5-player Dungeon
Halls of Reflection 80 5-player Dungeon
Trial of the Champion 80 5-player Dungeon
The Culling of Stratholme 80 5-player Dungeon
Utgarde Keep 80 5-player Dungeon
The Nexus 80 5-player Dungeon
Drak'Tharon Keep 80 5-player Dungeon
Utgarde Pinnacle 80 5-player Dungeon
The Violet Hold 80 5-player Dungeon
Ahn'kahet: The Old Kingdom 80 5-player Dungeon
The Oculus 80 5-player Dungeon
Azjol-Nerub 80 5-player Dungeon
Halls of Stone 80 5-player Dungeon
Gundrak 80 5-player Dungeon
Halls of Lightning 80 5-player Dungeon
Edited: December 12, 2023
Reason: Stuff
This is highly informative. Thank you.
Also useful is the Cromulent addon, which lists zone levels in-game.
Thank you very much for this and the addon info.
Should be pinned for new players on the higher Rate servers.
I outleveld my zone fast and than didnt know where to go
Wow, thanks! Very helpful. I got kinda lost at lvl 26/27. I'll get this image around now when leveling
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