1. Rotation Questions


    Rapid Fire gives a 15 second of 40% damage increase should you use all of it before Readiness and then Rapid Fire again?

    On a Rapid Fire Macro you would have the following:
    #showtooltip Rapid Fire
    /cast Prowl
    /cast Rapid Fire
    /cast !Kill Command
    /cast Rabid
    /cast Furious Howl
    /cast Call of the Wild

    That's pretty much all your pet's abilities. Should you allow your pet to auto cast these at all? Or only after Raid Fire? Or do you macro its every ability into your shots?


  2. Rapid fire gives you 40% ranged attack speed bonus...
    And your pet doesn't benefit from it at all.
    Regular howl that gives flat AP can be kept on auto cast, but Call of Wild is way to good to be automated, you manualy trigger it either by RF buff or Hero buff
    Edited: April 11, 2021

  3. On a Rapid Fire Macro you would have the following:
    #showtooltip Rapid Fire
    /cast Prowl
    /cast Rapid Fire
    /cast !Kill Command
    /cast Rabid
    /cast Furious Howl
    /cast Call of the Wild

    That's pretty much all your pet's abilities. Should you allow your pet to auto cast these at all? Or only after Raid Fire? Or do you macro its every ability into your shots?

    You will allow your pet to cast everything automatically besides Call of the Wild. You will want to micro that to have it lineup with all your trinkets/procs and CDs, to the best of your ability, as it's one of our strongest buffs.

    #showtooltip Rapid Fire
    /cast Rapid Fire
    /cast !Kill Command
    /cast Call of the Wild
    /cast Berserking
    /cast Blood Fury

    Rapid Fire gives a 15 second of 40% damage increase should you use all of it before Readiness and then Rapid Fire again?
    A standard opening is as follows:

    Burst macro (as you have posted above)
    Steady x4

    Continue with standard rotation and use second Rapid Fire when first wears off. Hunter rotation is extremely simple!

    If you are playing Trap Spec on a fight such as LoD, you will open as follows:

    t-0:27 to pull - Explosive Trap
    Burst macro (as you have posted above)
    Explosive Trap
    Explosive Trap
    Steady x4

    Continue with standard rotation, making sure to use Explosive Trap as frequently as possible when you will get the maximum benefit of it.
    Edited: April 11, 2021

  4. Hi

    Rapid Fire gives a 15 second of 40% damage increase should you use all of it before Readiness and then Rapid Fire again?
    To answer the initial question and add to what was already answered:
    A. Basic version!
    1.Buff macro(1st rf)
    6.chimera+aimed+..... rapid fire is still going as a buff AND it is already off cd, so wait for its duration to end..
    7.rapid fire again. (2nd)
    (all that took up to 20 seconds. In 3 minutes, readiness will come off cd. ~~12 seconds later (3m20s deep into fight)->
    8.(right after chimera+aimed combo)rapid fire (3rd)
    10.rapid fire (4th)

    That gives 4x Rapid Fire uses in total for a fight of at least 4 min long. Which is the most common pattern.

    B. advenced version! Opener with rfire+readiness ----- WAIT until your trinkets are back off cd ----> Rfire again, with trinkets up. (This will stall the next rfire+readyiness---->rfire again combo, ! which means that it's optimal only on longer, 5 min+ fights). Usually. one can squeeze 4x rapid fires (not talking LoD), but if the fight is long enough, you can match those speed buffs with power buffs. It requires you to track the icd of trinkets and know the approximate lenght of a fight (typical 5 min fights are fester/bql hc in a non-overfarmed environment).*
    *assuming short icd trinket, like wfs/dmf agi/DC, the second Rfire will end at about 1:10 minute mark, getting refreshed at 4:10~~. Thats more than enough time to use rapid fire twice (15s each)

    Be mindfull, that with a 2nd, latter readiness, one is able to refresh the cd of not only rapid fire, but also kill shot. Double kill shot is a good increase of DPS.
    Edited: April 11, 2021

  5. Thank you everyone for your answers.

    Another quick question, is there a macro to change the tracking based on target?
    In a TOC raid I forgot to change tracking from beasts, to undead to humanoid every round. I also forgot to change tracking from undead to dragons after coming out of of an ICC and into a RS raid.

  6. Thank you everyone for your answers.

    Another quick question, is there a macro to change the tracking based on target?
    In a TOC raid I forgot to change tracking from beasts, to undead to humanoid every round. I also forgot to change tracking from undead to dragons after coming out of of an ICC and into a RS raid.
    As long as you track one of these races thats written on that talent, %5 damage will be active regardless of type of the enemy, just make sure you are not tracking hidden, herbs etc.

    As for macro (taken by http://forum.warmane.com/showthread.php?t=199061)
    /run for i=1,GetNumTrackingTypes() do local n, t, a, c = GetTrackingInfo(i); if string.find(n, UnitCreatureType("target")) then if t~=GetTrackingTexture(i) then SetTracking(i); end end end

  7. #showtooltip
    /stopmacro [noexists]
    /run for i=1,GetNumTrackingTypes() do local n, t, a, c = GetTrackingInfo(i); if string.find(n, UnitCreatureType("target")) then if t~=GetTrackingTexture(i) then SetTracking(i); end end end
    /cast Hunter's Mark

    This is the macro above but put into Hunter's Mark. Every time you use hunter's mark you automatically track that specific mob type.

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