My harddrive crashed and sadly I didn't have my wow folder backed up. That set me on a journey to rebuild my collection of addons. Some of those addons have since become harder to get due to dead links. Getting a working Gatherer database was one of the last things I struggled with, but I did find a working site. Very frustratingly a lot of the links on this forum send you to a wowinterface page for GathererDB, but that is for patch 4.0.1 and the wowinterface page doesn't make that clear. So you download it and it doesn't work, even though nearly everything you can find points you there.
anyone have a link to a working cartogropher database or carbonite database like the gatherer one? I would like to see those nodes on my carbonite map.
I can't get it to work either, none of the slash commands work, I don't have any floating icon on my minimap and it's not "remembering" the nodes I am taking either. Any help?