1. Soloq avoid list.

    "U cannot add new SoloQueue avoids when above 2000 mmr rating". This is stupidest rule I ever seen. The amount of bad players is getting higher above 2k mmr. This rule ruins SoloQueue above 2k mmr and every sq player gonna tell u this. I really don't understand how did u get to this restriction but pls, think about it.

  2. The rule is there because there's less players above 2k mmr so your que times could get unnecessarily long.

  3. The rule is there because there's less players above 2k mmr so your que times could get unnecessarily long.
    Kinda his problem if that happens, no?

  4. Once you reach high rating, there's fewer and fewer people queing. Which means you can basically wintrade.

    Think about this: 3k mmr 3 healers available

    all the dps avoid 1 heal. This poor guy cannot play anymore.

    Some ppl abused it so badly that they have multiple 3k characters now :)

    you basically had to que duo to a certain rating more or less 2.5

    Then que with your friends as soloq (for max points) between 3 and 6 am and "avoid" the 1-2 persons not in your friend group or on discord and boom! 3k easy if you're not a complete ape.

  5. May 6, 2021  
    The feature is ****ing stupid, the gutter is up to like 2.4 now and there's literally people that will tank you 100 pts and you can't do anything, I login sometimes and queue a couple games around 2.1 and usually log back out sooner than I'd want to because there's just awful people in queue and there's no way to avoid them. You have far more to lose at 2k+ than below 2k so if anything it should be inversed(it's a bad idea, but the theory stands). Yes the ladder is quite dead, but I'm sure you could easily raise the cutoff point for this feature to higher mmr quite easily cause the lack of avoid really deters people and you see it often.

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