1. Strongest healing class for Wpvp

    Was wondering for ppl's opinion on the class with highest survivability when it comes to world pvp assuming bis or near bis (>6k gs). Meaning the situation could be 1v1 2v2 1v2 1v3 so pretty much anything is possible.

    My guess is disc or holy pally. Would say resto druid but the hots can de dispelled too easily.


  2. My knowledge concerning pvp is pretty much non-existent, but I have heard that the most durable healer is holy pala. It's very popular in arena comps - at least, that's what people claim.

  3. Priest is also very strong if you manage to get few of your team mates to protect you. For solo playing i've seen druids being near to immortal in battlegrounds. Shamans are also great healers. Each healer offer a certain play style, and i can tell you all are pretty good in wpvp, considering you are wearing pvp gear and have specced for pvp

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