1. Owlkin frenzy talent not returning mana

    Did a quick search and couldn't find anything on the forums here so apologize if this is a known bug. Seems like the talent Owlkin Frenzy doesn't give me back any mana. Took this talent so i could have more uptime on aoe farming without having to drink as much. Can anyone confirm if this is a current bug or has the talent always been like this? Thanks

  2. It does return mana just fine/as intended.

    You seem to forget it only returns 2% of your basemana every 2 seconds. Even at lvl 80 that translates to only about ~70 mana/tick, or about 350 mana returned for a single full proc.

    Compared to a single Hurricane requiring 81% of your basemana, Typhoon 25% and Starfall 35% you can imagine that owlkin frenzy is not gonna do much work there.

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