1. #save lordaeron

    Good evening Lordaeron server it is getting more and more empty people do their halion and icc and it disappears so we have difficulties to have people for raid the guilds are suffering the server economy is falling to sell something it takes weeks so I have a proposal if you do advantages like other servers like for example 2 reset IDs per week personally I have too much to wait a week to do a raid that's why people prefer to go to the other server it's my opinion there are people who like this server they have friends

    ps: sorry for my bad english


  2. May 2, 2021  
    9000 ppls online atm in Lordaeron. That is a lot of ppl. So I imagine the problem being other.... like for example:

    I am a new player on Lordaeron, I mostly play healers and tanks, but how do you think new players (on the expansion and/or raids) feel when all we read on chat is:

    "Link achiev, 6k+ GS /w inv, full gem, full enchant, flasks, food, VH inspection"

    So... why bother?!? People kinda deserve it no one answering them anymore and don't having players to do the content.
    Edited: May 3, 2021

  3. May 3, 2021  

  4. May 6, 2021  
    It's the same on any server that has reached endgame.
    "Progression" servers simply don't exist, no matter if they are being advertised as such.
    It is inevitable that any server will reach endgame if it is expansion-locked, unlike retail.

  5. May 6, 2021  
    This kinda post will not exist if people know how to make friends on a x1 realm, or make your own progression guild, or join a guild

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