1. Dudeee! Nax 3 months sucks, long! Ulduar 3 months sucks,short!

  2. Hi everyone specially to STAFF guys.
    Do you think that its worth to gift Gladiator tittle in 3vs3 top 5 since the current top 5 have 1800 rating?. Since this season you cant get shoulders in 3vs3 and the few teams that we have this season.. its not fair at all. People from 2vs2 should be better rewarded than 3vs3 in this season at least.. May be in season 7 (because you can get shoulders in 3vs3) im pretty sure that people gonna play sooo much more 3vs3 and probably its worth to reward better the 3vs3.
    Imagine getting Duelist tittle in 2vs2 with like 2500-2600 rating and also getting Duelist for 1800 rating in 3vs3.. its kinda troll to be honest xD.

  3. Is Warmane taking action against people who buy deadly items that cost arena points to refund them after furious season begins to get a head start in arena points? Isn't this literally exploiting? What is the point of having an arena points reset on the new season if players can just abuse the system and keep them by refunding arena gear?

  4. Is Warmane taking action against people who buy deadly items that cost arena points to refund them after furious season begins to get a head start in arena points? Isn't this literally exploiting? What is the point of having an arena points reset on the new season if players can just abuse the system and keep them by refunding arena gear?
    Thanks for the tip :D

    Jokes aside, not sure if that would be classed as exploit, as you are not using any bug or game/mechanic malfunction to gain advantage.
    Also, there is no rule that states this is forbidden, and if something is not forbidden it automatically allowed.
    Kind of scummy way to gain advatange at start of the season, but my guess it will be preety normal behaviour for probably the #top50 teams or people that stacked arena points.
    If there wont be any rule against it, I will probably do it too because of the FoMo that most of my arena enemies will be doing it.

  5. Why Arena titles not blizz-like requirements? I read on multiple wow wiki sites that reqs for titles were as following:

    1. Deadly Gladiator: Rank 1
    2. Gladiator: Top 0.5%
    3. Duelist: 0.5% - 3.0%
    4. Rival: 3.0% - 10%
    5. Challenger: 10% - 35%
    I'd like to know why we aren't using this system too.

  6. Why Arena titles not blizz-like requirements? I read on multiple wow wiki sites that reqs for titles were as following:

    1. Deadly Gladiator: Rank 1
    2. Gladiator: Top 0.5%
    3. Duelist: 0.5% - 3.0%
    4. Rival: 3.0% - 10%
    5. Challenger: 10% - 35%
    I really agree with that guy. I think this way is the most fair and what the majority of people would like to be :D

  7. Why do people still have their soloq rating?

  8. With this new patch it seems that my arena points are gone away, now I have zero (0), null. Please restore them! I`ve tried to creat a ticket, but there is no category for this. PlEASE GMs reach me out. Thank You.

  9. I looked around for this info but haven't found an official answer, when will ulduar weapons be in-shop? And what is the current timeframe in each tier to decide this? Thank you

  10. I looked around for this info but haven't found an official answer, when will ulduar weapons be in-shop? And what is the current timeframe in each tier to decide this? Thank you
    Everything is in the original Frostmourne topic: http://forum.warmane.com/showthread.php?t=434018
    Time after launch - Content released

    Exact start date and time will be announced - Naxxramas, Vault of Archavon (Archavon), Eye of Eternity, Obsidian Sanctum, PVP Season 5 | Timewalking: Ivory Tower of Karazhan

    3 Months - Ulduar, Vault of Archavon (Emalon), PVP Season 6 | Timewalking: Black Temple

    6.5 Months - Trial of the Crusader, Vault of Archavon (Koralon), Onyxia, PVP Season 7 |
    Timewalking: Ahn'Qiraj raids (Subject to change) + Scepter of the Shifting Sands

    8 Months - Icecrown Citadel + Ruby Sanctum released once Icecrown Citadel Heroic is cleared, Vault of Archavon (Toravon), PVP Season 8 | Timewalking: Sunwell Plateau
    Marketplace will be as last year. Once players obtain a significant amount of a specific item, it will be offered on the marketplace. As many players saw last year, this can sometimes take time as it depends on the amount of items circulating in the game.

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