1. Gearing/gem help Fury Warr

    This thread is about what and where i can improve my gear because it feels like ive hit a wall with gearing.

    Ive been farming frost emblems and getting my T10. ( I only have the legs and helm left.)
    But from there i dont really know what i should strive for, is there some prebis gear i should focus on or someting?

    About gemming.. I mean ive read alot obout what you should gem and everything, and about "passive arp" and if i should gem str or arp, and i cant rap my head around what i should do.
    The 1600 ARP explains itself, but when should i focus on that. I currently have Arp gems on all my gear but i dont know if that somehow is gimping my output bc of the passive arp str. (If someone could explain this too me that would be fantastic.)

    One more thing and thats about gold, i currently have around 30k so if there is items i can pick up with gold to ease with gearing that would be nice too.

    Here is my armory.


  2. With gold you can get crafted boots maximum if you wish but its not necessary. I would try to get Shadow's Edge asap if I were you, as its the biggest boost you can get on that gear. Apart from that you are at the point of hoping for drops, after you finish your t10 set you can buy your prebis cloak (agi/arp one.) and with leftover frosts you can get leather belt + hands from eof vendor (incase you dont get drops.).

    Also since you have overhit on your current gear you can farm banner of victory from toc5 to replace mark (or wfs or dc if you are lucky with raid drops.). And about str/arp, since you use an arp proc trinket (needle.) you can sit at 722 arp and gem strength. Though I dont know at which point that arp becomes more valuable than str (as if you didnt have arp proc trinket.), gemming arp wouldt hurt that much.

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