1. Let me whine from my heart

    Hello there, and especially hello to DKs who doing soloQ.
    Let me whine about bad mates of soloQ.
    It's completely impossible to get good streak of wins with a healer who die in a first switch, or a player who don't even damaging...
    Or about lack of dispels when almost half of game im staying in any CC...
    Im asking how to get win in a bad comp?
    I see players with a 50-0. 100-10. 150-15 etc streak...how it is possible what do they do?
    It's just overDPS or super skill or it's some cheats?
    Or i should just accept that i can't see my class in top of soloQ?
    What can i do to outplay 2 enemy dps when my mate making coffe or chillin'?
    Pls any advices / tips / anything?
    Or any streams of glads?

  2. You can que with a friend in your party.

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