Hode Prot Pally seeking casual raiding guild for entry-level raiding.
Hey guys, currently a 66 BE Prot Pally still in the process of leveling, stopped playing at some point because of burnout from the grind and having to adjust to a new work schedule, but I'm starting to get back into the swing and I'm hoping to ding 80 and start the gearing process by Halloween.
I'm seeking a relatively casual raiding guild that will be establishing a fresh 10-25 man team I can Main Tank for and progress through ICC/ToC from the beginning. My professions are currently Mining and JC, eventually plan to drop Mining for Enchanting once JC is 450, don't yet know what my offspec will be, but thinking Holy, with plans to make an Enhancement Shaman alt with Elemental offspec.
The only caveat I have in regards to raiding is loot distribution. I'm a fan of DKP or simply need before greed rolling, with priority going to main specs that the item makes sense for. I'm not a fan of Loot Council and would prefer not to be part of a guild that heavily relies on it, as I've seen guilds tear themselves apart under that system far too many times through internal corruption and overt criticism from unhappy veterans. It is okay to use Loot Council sparingly for difficult decisions in the interest of team progression and fairness towards reliable and high-performing members,, but I'd prefer a guild that uses DKP or simple /rand100 with spec priority. and doesn't rely on Loot Council as the main system for loot distribution. I'm not ruling out Loot Council if that's the overwhelmingly dominant system, I'd just prefer to avoid it if possible.
IGN is Lodsofemone, currently a 66 BE Prot Pally. You can shoot me a tell in game or PM me on the forums. Hope to hear from you guys soon.
Bump. I am level 70 now, still seeking out an entry-level raiding guild to start a fresh ICC10/25 team, preferably one that uses DKP or simple Need before Greed/Rolling instead of Loot Council.
You ever considered making your own guild? Could be a fun project if you have the experience and time, I'd be down to help.
Got a few 80s but didn't play for a long time.
You ever considered making your own guild? Could be a fun project if you have the experience and time, I'd be down to help.
Got a few 80s but didn't play for a long time.
I'd consider if it I had the time, but between work and volunteering my playtime is not as free as I'd like it to be at times. Also, I've been a guild officer before on live, and it was not a...fun...experience.
I'm not particularly picky about guilds, the only hitch for me would be how loot is distributed. It can be DKP, Need before Greed (based on main spec), or even simply rolling for the item with no other criteria to consider, I'm fine with all of those. The only system I'm uncomfortable with is Loot Council, because I've seen far too many of them either turn corrupt, or tear themselves apart over accusation of being corrupt. Any guild that uses the Loot Council system as their primary means of distributing loot is a deal breaker for me.
Level 77, at this rate I'll be 80- by tomorrow. The gearing process will likely take me a month or so to get ICC-ready.
My off-spec is going to be Holy, by the way. Mining/JC for now, will eventually drop Mining for Enchanting.
I'm mainly seeking a guild that is either starting, or will be starting, a new 10-man team for ICC and ToC, one that I can start at the beginning with and progress as a team. I'm interested in both Normal and Heroic, and I'll do 25's if asked, but I prefer 10-mans since they're easier to assemble.
Level 80 now. Was hoping I would've found a guild by now to help with the gearing process to get ICC-ready, but I think I'll be okay once I suffer through the first few heroics until I start getting T9's.
Got a large chunk of my gearing done, still need three items from HoR, but after that any further upgrades will need to come from ICC or Frosties.
I still need to earn enough money to afford my grocery list of consumables, including:
-1 stack each of Healing/Mana/Rejuvenation Potions
-1 stack of VII Stamina Scrolls
-1 stack of Stoneblood Flasks
-2 stacks of Dragonfin Filets
-2 stacks of Indestructible Potions
-2 stacks each of Mighty Arcane/Fire/Nature/Frost/Shadow Protection Potions
I'd say in another month or so I'll be ready for ICC proper.
Again, I'm seeking an entry-level raiding guild looking to start a new core team for ICC10 and ToC10, both Normal and Heroic. I'm willing to do 25-mans if needed but I prefer 10-mans as they are easier to organize, and I'd rather start with a new team that I can get to know, learn mechanics/tactics with and be comfortable playing with.
My IGN is Lodsofemone. You can send me a tell in-game, but using in-game mail or a PM is better since global chat scrolls by so fast in my log.
Still on the hunt for an entry-level raiding guild starting fresh on ICC10/ToC10. I've got pretty much all of my gear from dungeons and Triumphs now, any further upgrades outside of raiding will need to be bought (Pillars of Might and Northern Barrier) or come from frosties.
I'd say I'm still a good month away from being ICC-ready, once I get 1 or 2 Frosty items and finish my consumable checklist I should be good to go.
You know, I'm also looking for an entry level raiding guild. I have a 3 or 4 toons at 80 and a couple of others not far away. My main is a Disc. Is there any chance you're NA based and interested in raiding on the weekends?
You know, I'm also looking for an entry level raiding guild. I have a 3 or 4 toons at 80 and a couple of others not far away. My main is a Disc. Is there any chance you're NA based and interested in raiding on the weekends?
That'd be somewhat ideal but I'm starting a new job soon and my shifts/days off are never the same with their schedule, so it'll be hard finding consistency.
I could probably make it work if it's late at night, say 10PM my time, but daytime raids are mostly out for me unless they're on-the-fly like VoA or ToC10.
Dayttime raids (CST, not server) are 100% out for me. My issue is that I can really only promise that I'll be online if it's a friday or saturday night after 9pm cst (I think that's 4pm server). I want to find a consistent group to run with but so far have been out of luck.
There are other times that I'm online, but if a family issue comes up then that always takes precedence regardless of what I'm doing in azeroth. Family is in bed / on the way to bed by 9pm. I'm also not going to raid on weekdays. My schedule just doesn't allow it. (Full time job / 2 boys in 2 sports each).
That said, I'm sort of starting to kick around the idea of starting a small CST English speaking guild. I've got a 6 tab guild bank (Guild name = A Horde Dazed Knight) already that I could throw at it. I only have my disc that is ready to raid, but I've also got 3 other 80's (paladin, resto shaman, warrior) that are waiting to be geared up. There's also a few other toons in the process of leveling but I'm not in any rush.
If our times coincided and we were able to find another tank and healer (that weren't douche canoes) that had times that also coincided, I'm willing to bet we could put together a fairly regular 10 man group.
However, I have no desire to raid lead what-so-ever.
Just saw that you were west coast. 10pm your time is 8pm my time. If you'd be open to pushing your start time back to 11pm, this could be something.