1. Twink 19 head Bis [Lucky Fishing Hat]

    Hello yall! My first topic, so my question - I cant find this bot 5000 how can i get the hat? Just hours of fishing and it could drop or? Thanks!

  2. Depends on the Server you are on. On Icecrown its only from 2AM to 4AM Server Time in Stranglethorn Vale. Its the Tastyfish Pools. Its a Rare Fish that can drop called Keefer's Angelfish that gives you the Headpiece.

    I highly recommend not sharing pools with other players as if it drops at the same time they can loot it before you and you will be out of luck and not be able to loot it even if its in your loot table.

    If you shift loot all of your fish, I suggest you use this macro as soon as you catch each fish.
    /click StaticPopup1Button1

    The Keefer's Angelfish is a Bind on Pickup Item that you have to accept and this will accept it immediately.

    That half a second could be the difference between you getting ganked by a Rogue or another person fishing in the same Pool looting it before you.

    Example: Fish, Shift Right Click (Autoloot), Click Macro Hotkey Repeat.

    Happy Fishing :D

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