1. Druid Gearing?

    Hi I am going to buy 10 coins and i think it worths around 35k gold. And with that money, i want to buy a gear for my druid (Balance main, sometimes going resto for fast que)


    Here's my character. Which gears i can buy to get some high dps and Gearscore?

  2. Mainly (264):

    To consider (251):
    http://wotlk.cavernoftime.com/item=50380 for http://wotlk.cavernoftime.com/item=50051

    Secondary (245):

    Secondary items, as well as Battered Hilt, can be very expensive. Not sure how cost effective they are.

    Do note gold squish is coming probably around February, which means all gold will be cut in half (no matter where they are). So prices are slightly increasing as more time passes.

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