How hard it is to add Simple option "I no longer want to participate on the hunt" that would destroy all clues if you have more than zero.
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How hard it is to add Simple option "I no longer want to participate on the hunt" that would destroy all clues if you have more than zero.
Dear crybabies, I hope you're all aware of the fact that nobody is obligated to take part in the events. It seems to me that you're forgetting a really imporant thing when whining here. These are custom made events, made specially by the Warmane staff. It's a free server. Even if this year's events didn't turn out as expected, they can still fix it and if not, they've tried to give YOU, a player who playes here for FREE, a unique experience, like they always did.
You're always free to leave. You're acting like these events are part of the Wotlk experience. Yes, there were crashes and bugs regarding this year's events. Not unusal when you choose a private server to play on. If you know a better alternative, or hell, even reatil wow, go and play there.
Even if your expectations were high, and the overall quality of the events turned out to be lower than usual, the correct mindset here is to waddle on and hope the events get fixed in a few days. Coming here and talking trash about the staff is foolish and pointless. Could you code better events? Could you even code a new NPC that does nothing into the game? What's the deal here people, judging the staff while riding on the highest horse possible.
Want the EoF events back to crash the economy like 2 years ago? Right before the squish? Just so you can sell primos at ridiculously low prices or get some gear a little faster? As it's been stated, not happening.
About the event issues people mentioned here:
-Getting ganked during Scavenging Hunt:
It's a pvp server and you get killed during an event that takes place in the open world? Woah, how could that happen. More importantly, an event that should really be like a treasure hunting experience and only reward the quickest and smartest players must have a strong luck factor as well. And here pvp comes into the picture. Saying this as a Horde player, even if Allies were favoured a bit more in this event, it do be like that sometimes. If you want a more chill and calm experience, try the similar forum events.
-Zombie Event being overpopulated:
While it's true that 120 spots with a day cooldown for 12k players are low as hell, but again, it's an RNG thing and not everyone gets lucky every time. If they fix the bugs and make the CD shorter and the playable slots bigger, it could make for an excellent event. If everyone could get the top rewards it would be pointless.
-I can't really say anything about the 3v3 thing because I have not tried it, nor the "new" type of BGs.
--->Last sidenote: Everyone who gets mad about the rewards is just childish. You want EoFs and usable items but once you actually get these items in-game, you'll be happy as hell to recieve something like a panda or any other cosmetics / mounts, even better if they give a FoS achievement. These things are the real values in a 13 year old expansion. You can get all the EoFs and gear you want without donating a single dime, you just need time. But you won't ever be able to get this Panda for example, or any other collector's edition pet or unobtainable mount without donating. And that's the difference here, they have added value because of this. Plus they are non-tradable so no chance of upsetting the economy.
Dear smartguy!
You are the only one who seems to be the smartest here who wrote such a text, to prove to all of us that we do not know how to enjoy new events, so do you enjoy sitting on this unique panda, answer me honestly?
Such a kid to think there anyone would do something for free man.
None, like NONE, does anything for free.
Thet do cause its their work, a work for warmane community, without that " community" thet wont have a server, without a server zero money.
Nothing is for free ,kid.
Not even ur mom do things for u for free
I heard some things from the people who tried it before I could come online today but there are some few things that should be adressed.
1 People are going to start spam AoE like "rain of fire" or "blizzard" etc to make players with slower computers lagg out of crash thus increasing the way to enter for some, if you thought Onyxia 25 was bad just wait.
2 People with macros will have a much higher chanse to enter, if enough people share this there will be no way for some to enter normally because the ammount of people wanting to partake in this.
3 I dont know if it's someone was talking bull, but is it going to be 120 people in total? Horde and Alliance combined or 120 from each faction? Incase it's 120 in total then point 2 will be even worse, I think it's wierd that there will be so many players that really wants to do this event that will never be able to. Why not make a raid id? and make it into a raid like before? because atm it's so random to get 120 people who was the first once to click, what if you come in with no tanks or barerly any heals, or too many tanks and heals you don't have enough dps to kill the zombies etc whatever can happend at this point.
Some people are saying 120 people and 12 000 population so 1% gets to do event which isn't exactly correct but, everyone (almost) has alts (if they even get saved on their main in the first place), and point 1 and 2 will apply to them aswell, so unless you have a slow pc or no macro or just insnt that fast, you will still stand there with your main after several daying of trying to get to se this event, while people on their 10-20th alt does it over and over again.
i think everyone knows that without those players who play here FOR FREE there wouldnt be any community at all and its actually those players who are keeping the server populated and alive , why ? because they spend more time grinding and farming AND because they are the reason why the big whales donate in the first place , if the server was empty and there was no people to beat with your donated gear alot of them wouldnt donate in the first place because they can just buy a nice solo player game instead lol
Thanks Warmane who put their effort to make this event happen. Been playing for more than decade and i had lots of fun y-day. Even tho i didnt understand scavenging thingie, it didnt matter to me i had lots lots of fun in WPvP and BG. Thanks again really great event!!!
Is it too much to ask that they don't start the event that is time sensitive, aka the first ones to complete the events gets a bigger reward, several hours before they announced it would start? Lots of people were logging in, ready to go at 13:00 st, only to find out that the event was already completed and done, because Warmane inexplicably chose to start it a few hours early.
The who ordeal felt like it was an intentional f-you to the players.
No communication whatsoever in the beginning of the zombie invasion minigame. Just spawn in with the other faction. Other faction can't heal or buff you and vice versa. Just a lot of confusion. Game has no countdown to start it just randomly has an ooze or zombie walking towards the middle aimlessly with scaled up hp to 5 Million. OS Wall of fire that closes in fast and 0 defensives including Divine shield can defend you against. Upon the 120 man wipe, we were given 0 communication as to how we would recieve our reward, if we would receive one, if we should release, etc etc. After a few minutes of everyone sitting there dead in confusion we were all booted out to s spirit healer in durotar. Our bodies nowhere in sight, forced to either unstuck on the website or take not only 10 min rez sickness but also 10% durability damage to all the gear on us. I've been with you guys since 2015 and never before have I ever seen something so hastily and sloppily thrown together.
I'm incredibly disappointed that with over 10k+ players and donations in the hundreds of thousands not even including the other services used daily, that the developers and gms couldn't have had some communication and minimum standards and produced a fun event for ALL. I say all because a 120 cap. I found this to be something you all just thought of last minute and made your most green developer/gm handle, if there was even anyone handling the events.
This has and will be a reflection of not only your server/game, but what you're willing to bring to the table as a whole and where you all stand.
If I worked with you, I would be ashamed of how it all went. Perhaps you won't though. The Holidays are over shortly anyway and then it's back to business where we can all just "forget" about everything.
I can only hope in the future the attitude and actions change from the future events. This left a really bad taste in my mouth.
Merry Christmas I guess.
13k ms latency in-game since 12 hours ago. My internet is okay. Cmd ping is okay but in-game ms is terrible.
All that people wanted was an event on the same level as last year. It's a fact that new events have been criticized more by the community and it was because the old ones set the bar too high. I think the issue here is that rewards were definitely not the best and 2/4 released events weren't something that people actually was expecting.
Was the invasion event actually bad and disrupting for the economy? Yes.Want the EoF events back to crash the economy like 2 years ago? Right before the squish? Just so you can sell primos at ridiculously low prices or get some gear a little faster? As it's been stated, not happening.
Is the gold squish disrupting for the economy? Also yes. Whoever has some idea around economics and monetary policies knows that isn't good to tell a population that in ''X'' day their currency will devaluate by 100%. You can normally see prices skyrocketting before each squish, that's the effect of a constant supply and a drop in demand for money (which drives the prices upwards)
Do we need a gold squish? Definitely, otherwise you'll have a growing inflation on the realms
Are there better solutions to reduce the growing monetary base when compared to gold squish? Yes, there are.
I don't think the EoF farm were disrupting as gold squish is, it could've been solved by lowering the drop rate a bit in exchange for some mounts to drop every once in a while.
Make it hard enough so not everyone is getting those rewards.While it's true that 120 spots with a day cooldown for 12k players are low as hell, but again, it's an RNG thing and not everyone gets lucky every time. If they fix the bugs and make the CD shorter and the playable slots bigger, it could make for an excellent event. If everyone could get the top rewards it would be pointless.
Tried the BG's; had a bunch of ''Blackrock BG heroes'' with basically stacks of Free Action Potion stomping & farming you on graveyard.-I can't really say anything about the 3v3 thing because I have not tried it, nor the "new" type of BGs.
1> I don't think people is crying that much about rewards; last year they were. They are mostly upset because of the gameplay they got to experience from those events.--->Last sidenote: Everyone who gets mad about the rewards is just childish. You want EoFs and usable items but once you actually get these items in-game, you'll be happy as hell to recieve something like a panda or any other cosmetics / mounts, even better if they give a FoS achievement. These things are the real values in a 13 year old expansion. You can get all the EoFs and gear you want without donating a single dime, you just need time. But you won't ever be able to get this Panda for example, or any other collector's edition pet or unobtainable mount without donating. And that's the difference here, they have added value because of this. Plus they are non-tradable so no chance of upsetting the economy.
2> The ''EoF farm'' was more than that; it was a massive Wpvp that brought life to many forgotten zones. People did it, in a way, because of that.
3> People doesn't like companions that much, they like mounts. The BG's, the scavenger hunt and the 3v3 (so far from what I've heard) don't give mounts.
(DISCLAIMER: not another hate post) The current presentation of the events this year leaves the mild feeling of negligence, due to the following:
1. Secrets event was great, yet introducing a different one for Horde and Alliance would make it more engageable for everyone. (also most of us have chars on both factions so they would enjoy 2 different questlines or atleast travelling to different zones)
2. After completing the event Timothy NPC is still bugged out...
3. Notes of the Event are not deletable, therefore people do some shinanigans, trying to trade those, sell them etc.
4. Events were introduced late (only compared to previous years).
5. The Zombie event allows 120 players on a constant (evening) 12000 people server. That is 1%. If you have people joinin every day and lets imagine only different people join and never repeat, that would be 10-12% for the duration of the holidays.
6. I did not had the opportunity to join the event itself, so my opininon here would be based on others. So I died few times trying, in any case the feedback from the people that were lucky is that its randomness led to choas, which led to quick end. Quick end after 6-7 hours of wait is just disappoining.
7. Fast-paced BGs are fun, but one should be able to choose if they want to join them.
8. WTS that pet Panda for 2 EOF.
I understand the Staff's decision not to reward EoF, however, for a server like Icecrown, where you would join a BG and every plate user is full decked BiS + SM + perfect mong EoFs have nice value for the average Joe catching up.
Just came here to tell Warmane staff not to do anything next year. Clearly everything you do goes unappreciated and it's obvious most of the playerbase are just kids with no patience, understanding and which are clearly entitled (as we can tell by 14 pages of whining). Coal in stockings should really be considered for next year.
Just came in to say that whoever thought of accelerated battlegrounds is a genius hahahaha. This is hilarious, especially on my MM hunt.
Firstly, I would like to thank Warmane for making these events this year. Many of us thought that there wouldn't be any events this year at all. Especially, the Scavenger Hunt was a very enjoyable event, which I completed with my guild in the top ranks. It took us approximately 2 hours, but teamwork did wonders. I personally was the first one to complete it, and as many of the commenters surmised that no mount was given as a reward, I'd like to refute it. I got a rare mount on top of the rewards given to the first few players -*rare companion, a scroll of illusion, and a scroll of deception.