Looking forward to trying zombie event later today
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Yepp only few first people gets that so this is why you are happy.
Rest of us got only a damn pet...
Have you done any bg yet? You're obligated to deal with the boosts.
Can anyone confirm that they got invited to 3v3 brawl event? ( I joined 2 times at first seconds and nothing happened after 10 min)
Also did anyone get anything else than preserved holly from zombie event?
Ty warmane for the events btw. They could be more inclusive (not only for extralimited number of people and basically bis gear requirement) but they are fun (well scavenger hunt and bgs that i could try )
Even the pet you've got is a rare one and most importantly account-bound, which is an amazing reward at this point. Every piece of clue is being disclosed by masses, of course, it's not a fault at the player's side but still, that is a reality of it. We shed blood, sweat, and tears to be first, as I said previously, it took us approx. 2 hours of brainstorming, we had to have a certain amount of knowledge and also improvise a lot. There were plenty of people at the end of the last clue, stuck. You can't say it was given like nothing, it shouldn't be. Everyone there had a chance, but we still were first.
Honestly, how many people got the solution from someone else, and who tried to solve the clue alone or in a small group of friends?
Who expects a huge reward for all spoiled clues what can be done in 5 minutes?
Who expects a zombie event to be perfect when developers don't have enough data to balance the event?
You complain about the reward so maybe creating a special currency with the vendor would solve this. Every finished event would give some number of the currency.
Peace. ✌
FYI: I was in a small group who solved the Scavenger hunt as first, I finished with number 2. I got a reward for 80 coins. Number zero got a reward for 180 coins.
also - yesterday you could get in custom bgs through regular q. Now you have to use the event vendor. None will do that. The custom bgs queues will be not worthy waiting and only few will play the event. Reverse the changes you made yesterday
the brawl is a 1 to what 1000 chance to get in, i do not know the chances but it felt like it. the zombie survival game 120 spots come on u surely could seperate the places and create different spots to get more spots for once again 30k pop server what a shame, the scavanger hunt compared to last year its clear to say u didnt thought it out well no flying across azeroth nothing of that i loved to kill the mob spawns from point A to B and so on had the competetion agasint other groups it was amazing but this year the scav hunt im sorry it just proved that u guys didnt cared at all. the only decent thing are the acceleration bgs which i had fun with. overall im sorry what a major let down and im not talking even about the rewards i literlly do not care about them if they bad or not i wanna have fun and experinance whats all about u guys put in the game for US, sorry once again what a major let down, shame.
There have also been people asking for the Azshara crater and the snowman event to return, which means that those years were right and this one not so much, mainly due to technical problems. It is true that when it comes to complaining we should not be so childish, but neither should we be childish when it comes to accepting complaints and saying "well now I don't do anything, I get angry and I can't breathe anymore." There have been technical problems, that is obvious, it is accepted and a solution is sought.
I personally would adapt the event so that more people could enter and that it could enter every 2 hours without coinciding with Winter Conquest and that it would give a reasonable amount of frost emblems for X number of surpassed waves, but that is only my idea.
Would it be a lot of load for the server to activate the Christmas events of past years to enjoy all of them? I think it would be interesting to see work that has already been done if that does not jeopardize the stability of the server.
They dont really care i think they would do something about it like louds of people were asking for the last year christamast event but still nothing :(
Yeah Warmane, dont take criticism seriously. If a majority of the playerbase dont like an event then just quit making events all together! 14 pages of whining and a few stans, really makes you think!