When will the events finish? It is imposible to raid LoD nor RS HC arround 19-20ST cuz the lag spikes....
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When will the events finish? It is imposible to raid LoD nor RS HC arround 19-20ST cuz the lag spikes....
Try putting the clues in your bag (if they are at the bank)
i have actually asked GMS multiple times and they just send me the link to this thread. Actually even GMs dont know when it will end.
They are in my bag. Still can't remove the damn scrolls.
Option is indeed there. But we asked for that option weeks ago.. Now GMs should just delete all Clues from DB globally (because there are probably ppl below 80 that have it and can't access event master). People can still start hunting if they want and now with option they can end whenever they want. I would also add a note to the last clue that Event Master can delete those Clues for you.
Also I wish there were less afk people for Zombie run. And also people who ruin it because they want weather machine. Kek.
Festivities' schedule:
December 26, 13:01 -> January 6, 23:59 - all events with special rewards playable
January 10: We still have the laggy event ingame.
we're aproaching January 15th. any news on this? i love these events and i would love to see and participate on them.