Hope we get some good gifts this year, hyped for the events as well.
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Actually it will be pretty nice to see the invasion event for the first time in history of warmane/molten without multiboxing being present
i am really considering joining some raids just for the fun of balanced world pvp of fighting for respawns
Good to all
Someone explains to me the event of collecting gifts on December 31st how it works.
it says 1:01 but nothing's started but scavenger hunt , for invasion it says its closed and next one will be opened in 6h
I dont know why Warmane doesn't care about donors tho..cuz if they do, we wouldn't be here arguing..anyway, happy Xmas
yeah man send me your credit card number and cvc while you're at it, im a prince from nigeria with a massive inheritance for you
best regards
Your Royal Highness Prince Sade Yakubu
New event, same dissapointment, the end reward on the scavange is beyond horrible. Stop this.
can you separate the fast-paced BGs from random/specific BG queues? so that if someone likes them then this person will queue via the event master npc, and the rest can have normal BGs via RBG/specific queue.