if i buy for 20 EUR i get 20 with no bonus... i get right now 24 meaning 4 coin bonus... while 20*0.4=8... why i get 4 and not 8?
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if i buy for 20 EUR i get 20 with no bonus... i get right now 24 meaning 4 coin bonus... while 20*0.4=8... why i get 4 and not 8?
Thank you warmane, sorry there is a lot of ppl who feel entitled. You guys do awesome gift for us every year.
Please no stupid EOF events, no bgs, no dungeons.., and in 3 days full geared characters. Lame
Because, as has to be repeated every year, it's up to 40%. 40% is just the highest bonus, applied to the highest donation value, not what every donation tier gets.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year all.
I would like to wish the staff a very Merry Christmas, and thanks for all that y'all do. If not for the server and professionalism of the staff I would of quit WoW years ago. So thank you for literally keeping me from banging my head against walls out of boredom. Have a happy new year y'all.
thank you to warmane and staff and the players i have enjoyed this server for years and i hope to enjoy it for many more :D stay safe happy holidays