1. General question about the English speaking guilds on Horde side

    I'm gonna preface this by saying that this question is mostly related towards end - game PVE and PVP-wise.
    Kinda looking for an answer to a question that's been bugging me for a while, what's the situation Horde side when it comes to raiding and pvp as far as English speaking communities/guilds go? I'm thinking about moving over and turning a new leaf from Alliance side, since from what i've seen it's been 50% Balcans and about 30 to 20% ratio of middle easterners and south americans. Take it however you'd please, i'm just not interested in playing with that bunch.

  2. There are plenty of "english" guilds but you need to understand that the server is a melting pot of people from different part of the world. They might advertise as "NA Guilds" but that's due to the raid time. I'm in a few guilds like that and all of them have people from different regions around the world, just the raiding schedule suites them better than other guilds. If you aren't interested in playing with people not of your nationality, I'm not sure what to tell you.

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