1. Lock wrong

    What is a Lock doing wrong if he makes far far too much threat according to his dps ? (Something in talents ?)

    This question comes from a feral tank not being used to being overraggroed, never played lock myself.
    (I remember a similar lock way back in tbc.)

  2. Demo has high burst with Meta+Immolate Aura at start,and also can generate a lot of threat in execute phase with Soul Fire. Affliction has way less initial burst(generates most of it's threat in execute phase,where you're usually ahead enough with threat so it shouldn't matter). Destro is kinda the middle ground between the two(more initial burst than affli but less than demo),however,destro doesn't have a strong execute phase like the other two specs.

    Unless you're severly undergeared(at least compared to the lock),you should be able to hold aggro using Berserk and spamming Maul+Mangle,then once Berserk expires,you can go back to the usual feral threat rotation. If you're in a really dire need of extra threat,you can also glyph Mangle,though it's not recommended too much,since in raids you should have enought threat support from rogues and hunters(and if you don't,feel free to yell at them for slacking),and there are more useful glyphs in general.

    (And a lot of locks don't use Soulshatter,which is also a problem often encountered with warmane locks,though it was broken a long time ago,so some locks might not use it out of habit.)

    As for what the lock could be doing wrong,i can only think of two-three things at most.
    1. Not using Soulshatter.
    2. Not casting at the same target as yours for trash mobs.
    3, Doesn't wait for aoe aggro buildup and just straight up charges in in Meta and aoe nukes.
    4. (This is the lowest chance of happening) The lock keeps casting Searing Pain for some reason. Searing Pain generates a lot of threat(but it absolutely sucks for dps),and was used in the past for ranged mob/boss tanking(like Illidan air phase with shadow res iirc),in wrath i think only Prince Keleseth was done like this,since the only thing he does is casting his Shadow Lance.

    Against demo and destro burst you probably need Berserk,especially if there's a huge gear gap. You shouldn't have too many problems with affli though,unless there's a huge gear gap,and even then only in their execute phase.

  3. Soulshatter feels useless to me. At times I have pulled, used it, and no lowered threat at all.

  4. Soulshatter feels useless to me. At times I have pulled, used it, and no lowered threat at all.
    It halves your current threat. Which means it's still possible to end up with more threat than the tank(especially with bad/bad geared tanks),or just slightly below his,thus overtaking him again. There's also the fact that you need less threat to overtake the tank in melee range(110% of the tank's threat to overtake him in melee range vs 130% for outside melee range),so demo takes aggro easier due to immolate aura whoring in melee.

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