1. From what I recall ninjaing in a dungeon is just a 5 day ban. Nobody is going to care about 5 days
    Which just makes it even more important that the gear being ninja'ed is taken away with the 5d ban. Else people will just ignore this rule as a whole as they do now.
    If you think about it, it will just push people into doing it, since 5 days aint much considering how many hours you have to spend farming some of these drops.
    Banner of Victory, Needle (POS)..

    Sad when a rule actually forces people that play by them, to convert to be rulebreakers.

  2. Hey, come on dudes. Do you actually know a person who thought and did ninja some dungeon item because it was worth 5 days ban? Lets see how widespread this problem is. And those "friend of a friend said that brother of that guys sisters boyfriend did that" does not count.

  3. The punishments should either be complete or not exist at all, if the GMs are really not supposed to protect players as Obnoxious said it. If they don't care, remove the timed bans completely. But if they do care about punishing bad behavior, the stolen item should be removed from the ninja.

    I have been tempted to steal Banner of Victory and Needle-Encrusted Scorpion in the past because the punishment is a measly 2 days on the first offense (I think? I have seen 2 day bans before for ninja looting). I didn't do it but there are players out there willing to take a short time-out if it means they don't have to farm for that item anymore.
    Edited: January 30, 2022

  4. Tbh i think ninja in dungeons should be encouraged cause then people might spend points on their alts. 5 days is too strict of a ban, i think 2 EOF is a fair punishment/reward.

  5. Tbh i think ninja in dungeons should be encouraged cause then people might spend points on their alts. 5 days is too strict of a ban, i think 2 EOF is a fair punishment/reward.
    Uhm, what?

    What spending points have to do with anything?

    Needing in RDF is issue when people just need for what ever reason. Such as MS, OS, DE, vendor, xmog, out of spite, to sell others. Yeah, let's keep it as a rule. RDF (HC) is already one of the most annoying places to gear, why make it any worse?

  6. because the punishment is a measly 2 days on the first offense (I think? I have seen 2 day bans before for ninja looting).
    2 Days for low level dungeons, level 80 dungeons is 5 days.

  7. It is lame that 90 day ban is all they get, I know people personally that have ninja looted raids and dungeons because they don't care. They will wait 90 days and play another game till then. It's just unfair to put that much time into a raid or random dungeon finder and get an item you really needed taken by someone that can't even use it.

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