1. Auto attack in Killing Spree

    Do auto attacks continue during Killing Spree?

  2. Yes. Hence you want all haste/attack speed effects up if possible before using it(like S&D,Berserking(troll racial),Blade Flurry,Bloodlust,haste pot,engi gloves,but don't delay KS much because of them except for S&D).
    Edited: January 23, 2022

  3. Bug?

    Whenever I use Killing Spree, my character stops auto-attacking completely and I have to right- click again. Why is that?

  4. Whenever I use Killing Spree, my character stops auto-attacking completely and I have to right- click again. Why is that?
    Use a macro like this one:

    #showtooltip Killing Spree
    /use Aldriana's Gloves of Secrecy
    /cast Berserking(Racial)
    /cast Killing Spree
    /run local f = CreateFrame("frame",nil, UIParent); f:SetScript("OnUpdate", CombatLogClearEntries);

    Replace Aldriana's Gloves of Secrecy with your gloves if you're an engineer(or remove it if you're not) and you don't have Aldriana's(you can shift+left click on your gloves while editing the macro to make it easier).
    Same for Berserking if you're not a troll(replace it with Blood Fury(Racial) if you're an orc or remove it if you're belf).

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