1. Help me find the right place in this addons code ElvUI


    Im using this version of ElvUI

    This is a screenshot from the game: https://ibb.co/HDmj7Qs

    Please tell me where in the code are the variables for chainging the border of the totems icon.
    The border is red because im in a duel with this shaman.
    If I show friendly players totems nameplate it will be green instead like this: https://ibb.co/GkPKHkL

    I want to change the border to invisable or black. I cannot find where to change it because Im not at all familiar with code even though I have searched alot inside all of the lua.files. Im familiar with some terms and Im looking for the term "border" or "icon" but I cannot find somewhere to change the border of the icon.

    In simplier addons there usually is just a custom design to make a border for any icon and it has the usual: (1, 1, 1, 1) Red, blue, green, opacity.
    This addon is more complexe and reference its texture and icons to some kind of general database.

    I guess its red for enemy and green for friendly because of some kind of default blizzard thing but I dont know.

  2. Hmm, I believe it's 'ElvUI -> Nameplates -> Style Filter -> Select Filter -> ElvUI_Totem' and then you can fiddle with it all there. I'm pretty sure this would allow of changing the border colours

  3. In here: https://github.com/ElvUI-WotLK/ElvUI...nFrame.lua#L23

    For future ElvUI related questions, your best bet is to ask in the ElvUI discord directly.

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