1. Is multiboxing allowed on Loarderon?

    I just saw 5 chars doing same things.
    It is allowed, i guess? Thank you.

  2. unfortunately yes, it is annoying, as you do eg wintergrasp ,and suddenly 5 people (alliance) leave the group and suddenly 5 of these people are on the side of the horde ,this is what happens on the icecrown server, I think that whether it is lordeon or icecrown, are the same rules for mulibox.Thats why i stoped playing WG .It should be prohibited, especially on pvp, batlleground etc.

  3. unfortunately yes, it is annoying, as you do eg wintergrasp ,and suddenly 5 people (alliance) leave the group and suddenly 5 of these people are on the side of the horde ,this is what happens on the icecrown server, I think that whether it is lordeon or icecrown, are the same rules for mulibox.Thats why i stoped playing WG .It should be prohibited, especially on pvp, batlleground etc.
    "Nice" rules.
    Thank you for answer.

  4. The reason multiboxers are often seen leaving the default raid groups created by the wintergrasp battle is that depending in their setups, they usually want control of the group placements so that their group-wide abilities (Tranquility, Tremor Totem, etc) function properly on their entire team. So if they fail to receive lead by being the first person to enter that default raid group, they'll leave it and reinvite themselves into a new one just for themselves. That doesn't mean that they aren't fighting for your team anymore, as you don't need to be in those default raid groups to participate in the battle.

    I personally prefer to take the slight chance that whoever has raid lead will grief me by refusing to move the groups or give me assist (and they thankfully usually don't grief) than to be cut off from raid-wide buffs and heals from the rest of my team, but that's just me.

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