<Hyjal kids> is Icecrown's premier Horde-side 70s-only PvE/PvP twink guild featuring an active discord as well as a jam-packed lineup of weekly raids, BGs, arenas, and wPvP (think 70s successfully raiding an enemy city's faction bosses). We often host sponsored 1v1 tournaments with prize Coins up for grabs. If you've got what it takes to win, that is.
We've been going strong the past 5+ months with constant events and participation but we're looking to grow our community further. Amongst our members are a core of highly experienced, friendly and motivated players who can assist with any gearing/specing/rotation questions, be it PvP or PvE. We also host 'catch-up raids' where we focus on gearing members that are lacking in gear. PvE Raid times are Friday @ 7PM Realm Time while on Saturday's we tend to focus on PvP events or private, sponsored tournaments.
If you're interested in joining our ranks of mischief, feel free to contact Lilisimply, Minidakz, Hollynka or Tenriskk in-game. We thank you for your time.
Just this month we fully cleared Sunwell Plateau 6/6 and Black Temple 9/9 in smooth runs with a raid of just 15-23 level 70s and we had a blast! Can you imagine BiS 80s wipe on some of these awesome encounters? LOL
Additionally, this past Friday we had a fun 1v1 tournament with 8 coins awarded to the tourney winner, and as a bonus, everyone present was entered into a raffle where the winner got to pick any item they desired from our well-stocked twink guild bank. In good taste, they chose the Sunwell BoE: Hard Khorium Band.
If you can get to 70 in time for our next main raid on Friday @ 6PM realm time, you're more than welcome to join us for a Mount Hyjal Summit clear. We'd love to have you, Mr. Prot Warrior!
To anwser both questions, the guild is still active, so jump on the train and start going, guild still up keeps the weekly raids and theres plenty of fresh characters willing to have fun and gear up with heroic dungeons. You both can message any member of the guild for an invite you can do that with /who Hyjal Kids let them know you are going to twink. Or find me later ingame and hit me up from there.
hey, is the guild actually active? like evenings with some world pvp, dungeons
also, do you know maybe if there is similiar guild in alliance?