ok lets say ur right, and its a "Fact"
if you believe this fact, lets make this change on Icecrown and Lordaeron also ? what do you say ?
if this is a great change and players get to decide either keep open world pvp alive or not, lets make it happen on Icecrown and Lordaeron.
lets make this "Great Change" happen to your other servers and see how ppl will react to that :)
am i wrong sir ? u have brilliant idea ! lets make it global and see what will happen, its a "Fact" and everyone Should like it !
but let me tell u what will happen. those changes will never happen on Icecrown for example, Icecrown is a Core server ( im playing since Deathwing on ur older moltenwow, i had a dk named sajjadhiv there) , u wont risk ur best server on these kinds of changes since these changes are not "Facts", if it was a Great Decision for Fact, u would have already applied them to your servers .
You just want to test some new stuff and i get it, its great to have all these changes for free. so lets argue with that and i wish Warmane lots of luck for that :)